Part 100!!! Recollections

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Hiccup and Astrid are about to get married and both reminisce about what caused them to fall in love with each other. They are both 25 years old in this little story...

Astrid looked at her reflection in the mirror, her dress looked uncomfortably out of place upon her worked, broad structure. She rarely wore an outfit like this. But today she had to, it was custom so she had no choice.

"How are you feeling today Astrid?" Heather asked her, walking in with a basket of flowers and some herbs. She had a huge smile plastered across her face as she entered the room, Astrid on the other hand could barely muster up a slight smile.

"I'm really nervous... What if it goes wrong? What if I can't go through with it, you know me?!" Astrid panicked, Heather tutted and turned her head towards Astrid but not moving from her position. Heather looked out of the window that looked out onto the streets of Berk.

"Come on Astrid, really? This is just cold feet. Now..." Heather picked up a couple of herbs from her basket and placed them in a bowl of hot water before pouring it into a cup and then giving to to Astrid. "This is my nerves cure, trust me you''ll feel a lot better after this. Now, I'm gonna ask you the same thing I asked my brother before he married Mala." Astrid just rolled her eyes, but continued to sip at the cure handed to her.

"I hope it's worth it..." Astrid murmured.

"Just listen! Look, what is it about Hiccup that you love?" Heather asked, sitting in a chair beside her whilst sorting out the flowers packed inside her basket.

"Well..." Astrid began, she sat in a chair across from Heather and took a deep breath before beginning again. "I love how much he cares for his dragons, although it can sometimes stop him from paying attention to me. But I love how he knows exactly what to say when I'm nervous, scared or worried about our relationship." Astrid recalled their second encounter with the Armorwing and their argument about her betrothal necklace. (Mi Amore Wing by the way) She smiled, shaking her head, as the memory popped into her head. She couldn't believe she'd actually cared about their relationship that much, but she did.

"What else?" Heather pushed.

"Well, I love how no matter what he always leaves some time for just us and no one else." She remembered the countless picnics and midnight flights the two had taken together, as well as their endless training sessions which always held an uncomfortable sexual tension between them by the time they finished, with one of them on top of the other. "I also love how he changed the way I saw the world. He erased my view of endless war and fighting, and helped me see a world in which we could live in peace and happiness... Together." Astrid's mind wandered as she remembered her first flight with Hiccup and how it changed her perspective on the world and its dragons.

"Do you love him?" Heather asked, watching Astrid's dreamy look plastered on her face and finally bringing a smile to her face.

"Yeah... Of course I do." Astrid replied. Heather smiled at Astrid's answer then walked over to her and placing a soft hand upon her shoulder.

"Then there's no reason to be nervous. You guys are perfect for each other..." Heather replied, her hand rested upon Astrid's shoulder comforted her.

"I guess you're right." Astrid eventually said and looked back at herself in the mirror, she then looked at Heather who was stood beside her. "Did I ever tell you about our first date together?" Astrid said in an effort to distract herself from her wedding jitters, Heather just smiled realising what Astrid was doing.

"No, what happened?" Heather asked with a slight amused tone in her voice.


(6 years ago)

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