Guess Who's Back(It's Me, NormalisFortheWeak)

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Hey, everyone. It's previously NormalisFortheWeak, now the Self Shipping Weirdo. It's been a while and I honestly regret deleting my books because I miss all of your sweet comments. I've decided to come back and try again. Hell, with the time I've spent to get almost 400 followers, I think I need to make a comeback. I don't have a schedule as much as I probably should, but I'd like to try and convince myself that this isn't work. I write for a hobby and I want to share my work again. There's at least a 60% chance I'll end up bringing old one shots back, so don't be surprised or confused if any of you see ones you remember from my old books. I'm hoping this run won't seem like work like last time. I can only hope and try to convince myself that you all are fine with me taking my time with coming out with one shots. I'm hoping some of you even remember me since I changed my account name and stuff, honestly.

I really hope this works out.

As always, embrace your inner weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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