Making Up For the Past(King Magnifico[Wish] X Reader)

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Surpriiiiiiiiise. Magnifico has literally nothing on Wattpad, so I guess I have to do the work. Chances are I made him too nice, but I can't write him being narcissistic and kind of an ass.

This is "my version" of him and it's longer than I thought even without the extra scene I had in my mind and the more serious conversation that I didn't go through with.

I also had no idea Chris Pine could sing and oh, my God. I was so pleasantly surprised.

I feel like this is like the movie itself. So much good concept stuff that really needed to be in the final product but wasn't and beacuse of that, the final product's subpar.


-Reader's P.O.V.-

I stood on the balcony of Magnifico's room, trying to distract myself from my anxious thoughts by looking at the stars. I should have been asleep, but my brain wouldn't shut up. I sighed through my nose. I was tired, frustrated, and fed up.

I heard the soft click of the double doors opening. A pair of arms wrapped around me. Magnifico's voice was a soft murmur in my ear. "You should be asleep, my love." His lips brushed against my temple.

"My thoughts won't shut up," I told him dejectedly.

"What are they telling you this time?" he asked and gently turned me to face him.

"Accepting your proposal was a mistake. You're dating a commoner. This whole thing is taboo and I need to get out before either of us get hurt," I ranted.

"Is that how you truly feel?" he asked.

I immediately replied, "No, no. I was so happy when you asked me and even happier to accept. I love you so much, Magnifico."

"I've been thinking," he started, changing the subject. "I remember your eighteenth birthday. You didn't give me a wish."

"My anxiety was bad that day. I couldn't decide what I wanted," I explained.

"I saw so much of it in your eyes that day. It's been a long time, though. I'd love to grant one of your wishes," he said, holding my hands. 

"Really?" I asked.

He nodded. "Of course. I've never met anyone like you. I'd give you the world if I could," he said. "Do you have any wishes in mind?"

"Yeah, but I feel like it'll backfire," I said.

"None of the wishes I've granted have backfired, my love," he said. "Will you allow me to take your wish?"

"Yeah, what the hell," I sighed.

He kissed the backs of my hands. "No need to worry. Everything's gonna be fine. You will be fine."

"All right, okay," I said.

"Take some deep breaths," he soothed. "I promise this wish will be life changing for you."

"You say that as if you're gonna grant it," I said through my deep breathing.

"I am granting it," he said simply.

My deep breathing stopped. "What?"

"I have a feeling I know what your wish is and I'm granting it at the ceremony tomorrow," he said.

"Magnifico," I started.

He kissed my head. "Deep breaths, love."

I ignored his gentle command. "Why?"

"You're the only person in Rosas with anxiety this bad. I can't stand seeing you like that. You deserve to be truly happy. To be free of the shackles of your mental struggles," he said.

"I can just get therapy," I countered. "I can learn to cope."

"Yes, to cope. Not get rid of it. I want you to be rid of it completely," he countered. "Let me grant your wish. I promise you'll be so much happier. Please. I know you want to be free of it. Do yourself a favor."

"Okay, okay. I'll give you my wish," I sighed.

He kissed my forehead. "Make your wish and hold it in your heart."

I closed my eyes and focused on my wish. My heart glowed a warm yellow. I felt my wish leave my body and my eyes opened. I exhaled deeply. Magnifico held my wish in his hand. He smiled softly down at me.

I swallowed thickly. I suddenly felt much more anxious.

"It's a real weight off, isn't it?" he asked.

"I feel more anxious," I admitted.

"Let's see if I was right," he said. He watched my wish play out. "I was."

"What is it?" I asked. I forgot what I'd wished for.

"To be rid of your anxiety," he revealed. "Tomorrow, you'll be so much happier, my love. I won't allow you to deal with this any longer."

"Are you gonna make me permanently happy?" I asked.

"No, but I am getting rid of your constant need to worry. You'll experience a normal amount of anxiety and stress when you need to. Your brain will be chemically balanced. The way it should be," he said.

"You're really granting it? I can't seem to wrap my mind around this," I said.

"I'm really granting it," he assured. He gave my wish a soft kiss then my lips. His free hand held me to him.

I kissed back. He pulled back after a few moments.

"This doesn't feel real," I said. "Thank you."

"It's real," he said with a soft smile. "I'm going to put this in the wish chamber then put you to sleep. You're tired."

"Can you sing to me?" I requested.

He nodded. "Of course. Go to bed. I'll be back."

We left the balcony. I got into our shared bed and Magnifico climbed in minutes later. He lied on his back and had me lay on top of him. He held me close and a soft, soothing melody escaped his mouth. His smooth voice instantly soothed me. The last thing I felt before I fell asleep a few minutes later was a kiss being pressed to my head. The last thing I heard was a whispered, "I love you so much, (Y/N)."


I hope I didn't fuck him up too much. 

As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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