In the Closet(Buzz Lightyear[Toy Story] X Reader)

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Let's see the outcome of posting this one.

This one's gonna be pretty short.


You sat in your dark closet against a wall. Your knees were to your chest and your phone illuminated your face. The only noises heard were the thunderstorm outside and the toys' conversations.

You had come inside after work like a whirlwind and made a beeline for the closet. When you did this, the toys knew what happened in general and left you alone until you were ready. 

The toys suddenly became a bit louder. Woody's voice answered your mental question.

"It's okay, everyone. The storm knocked the power out."

"I'm gonna go check on (Y/N)," Buzz said.

"But what if she's not ready to talk?" Rex asked worriedly.

"It's been a good forty-five minutes," Mr. Potato Head mentioned. "I think she's ready to talk."

"I can hear you," you spoke. You slid the closet door open a bit as an invitation. Buzz's suit glowed in the dark on his way in. He slid the door shut. "Hey."


"Are you feeling any better?"

"A little."

"Wanna tell me what happened?"

"Not really."

"Not even a general hint?"

"One word: Karens."

"Oh, I see."


You picked Buzz up and hugged him. You sighed.

He kissed your cheek. "You'll feel better by tomorrow. You're off tomorrow, right?"


"Perfect. Wanna do something tomorrow?"

"Lazy day? It's supposed to rain tomorrow."

"Whatever you want. Are you ready to come out?"

"...Can we stay for a little bit longer?"

Buzz smiled. "Of course. Whenever you're ready."


Two out of four. I'll probably end up writing four tomorrow as well.

I have so damn many one shots I wanna write. I wish I had more than two hands.

As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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