One Sick Cup(Cuphead X Reader)

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So. Many. Damn. Characters.

Time to make my fingers bleed.


"How's Cuphead doin'?" Mugman asked as he and Elder Kettle walked in from running some errands.

You were making him some soup.

"He's asleep right now," you replied as you stirred the soup. "I'm having the feeling he'll be awake soon."

"Thank you again for taking care of him, dear," Elder Kettle smiled.

You returned the smile, making a bowl of soup for the bedridden older brother. "You're welcome, Elder Kettle. I'll keep you two updated on how Cups's doing."

You grabbed the ice pack from the freezer before going to the brothers' bedroom with the bowl.

You smiled sympathetically, Cuphead waking up with a coughing fit as you walked in.

His straw laid on his side table.

Cuphead groaned as he fell limp in his bed.

You sat next to him, placing the ice pack in his head.

His red face gave away his fever.

"Can I assume you don't feel any better?" you asked, stirring the soup.

He sniffled. "My appetite's back.."

You smiled. "That's an improvement. I made you some soup. Your favorite."

He smiled weakly, carefully sitting up. "Ya know me so well.."

You giggled softly, kissing his cheek. "How's the medicine working?"

"I managed t' fall asleep.." he replied. "Ya don't have any on ya, right..? It tastes disgusting.."

"No. I only come with offerings," you smiled. 

The sick cup laughed softly at your remark. "Are you gonna feed me..?"

"Do you mind?" you asked.

"Nah.. I feel kinda weak, actually.." he replied.

"Well, let's get this in your stomach so you can fall back to sleep," you told him before beginning to feed him.

He ate every spoonful of soup you held to his lips.

"You're too sweet t' me.." he said after swallowing a bit.

You smiled. "I think you deserve it after the soul incident. Even though you made the mistake, you knew to burn the contracts and set everyone free."

A blush shone across his cheeks, even through the redness of his illness-ridden face.

Soon after, Cuphead had the bowl empty.

He was now laying on his stomach with the ice pack still in his head.

You straddled his legs, giving him a back rub to help him relax even more.

His slow, deep breathing filled the air. "Ya didn't have t' do this, teacup.. You're gonna catch my bug.."

"I wanted to. If I get sick, it'll just be a reminder that I helped you get over it," you said, feeling his muscles relax under you. You pressed a kiss to the space in between his shoulder blades.

"Then I'll... I'll..."

You smiled as Cuphead fell asleep under you.

Getting off of him, you carefully rolled him onto his back before pulling the blanket over him and tucking him in.

You kissed his forehead.

"Sleep sweet, Cuppy," you murmured against his ceramic skin.


I may or may not get a minimum of five done today because why the fuck not.

We'll see how that goes.

As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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