Plans For Change(Puss In Boots X Fairy Godmother's Daughter!Reader)

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Hey, guuuyyyyys.

I'm only doing this one for today. Chances are I'll probably do more than two next time I post.


"One of these days, I'm gonna commit arson on this Grimm-damn factory," you huffed upon flying into your new office. Puss was sitting on your desk, reading one of the fairy tale books you had.

He looked up at you. "What happened, mi amor?" He stood up.

"Everything. I don't even want to be running this factory. I don't even wanna be a part of anything my mother created. I wanna destroy her legacy on Far Far Away," you vented. You sat in the desk chair.

"Why don't you? You are in her place now. You have the ability to reverse any damage she has done to the kingdom," he said.

Upon the realization setting in, your eyes sparkled. "Puss, you're right." The amount of work then set in. "Oookay, it's a lot."

"How so? She had not really had any plans before Shrek rescued Fiona," Puss reasoned.

"The factory's been here longer. A lot of potential compensation for bad spells and I don't even know the numbers. And I still have to reverse some personal damage," you said.

Puss hummed in thought while stroking his chin. He then looked at you. "Maybe you could ask the king and queen to make an announcement and collect the clients' names for you. Then you could give out the compensations," he suggested.

You smiled at the idea then at Puss. "I'm so glad I have you."

The cat smiled then jumped onto the floor. "Two minds are better than one. We will go to the castle tomorrow." He then became human. "Until then, how would you like to go out to dinner? You need a break."

You smiled back. "Sounds perfect."

The two of you walked out of the factory. Once you were in the forest, Puss asked, "What is the personal damage? I do not want you changing who you are. You are perfect."

"Oh, no. Not like that," you told him. "Mainly the house among some other material things. I'm not changing anything. I'll get my closure after the whole compensation thing."

"Good," he said. "You do not need to change."

"Don't worry, Puss. I wasn't planning to."


I think I'm gonna do Betty next.

As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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