Needing A Second Opinion(Medic[Team Fortress 2] X Spy!Reader)

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I'm simping for Medic right now and trying to come up with ideas for Scout and Spy. Until then, have this.


You were in the medbay with Medic while he cleaned. Your anxiety was causing you to zone out and not make you notice Archimedes nesting in your hair.

"Liebe," Medic said upon noticing your current state.

You zoned back in after hearing the pet name. You looked at him. "Hm?"

"Are you all right?" he inquired.

"Yeah, I'm good," you lied.

The doctor cocked an eyebrow. Your anxiety churned your stomach more. He wasn't buying it.

He came over to you, your eyes not leaving each other. A finger hooked under your chin to make you look up at him.

"(Y/N), I know when you're lying. Tell me what's on your mind or I'm not letting you out of the medbay," he gently threatened. "You know I keep it locked when I'm cleaning."

You sighed. "Do I have to?"

"Ja. Bitte, liebe," he said.

"My anxiety. Again," you hesitated.

"What is it telling you?" he asked.

"I'm a burden to the team and worthless because I'm an extra spy," you admitted.

The hand under your chin cupped your cheek. Medic's other hand cupped your other cheek. His gaze became soft. "Liebe, just because you are a tenth class does not mean you're worthless or a burden. Your anxiety is lying to you, as it always does. You are just as important to this team as any of us, if not more. You are not a burden and you never will be."

His words gave you some reassurance. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough to get rid of your anxiety. Medic could see that. 

His hands left your face and he went over to his desk. He grabbed the P.A. microphone and turned it on.

"Attention, mercenaries," he spoke. His voice came from the base speakers. "Please meet in the living room for a quick meeting. Danke schoen." He looked at you. "Come."

You followed him after getting Archimedes out of your hair out of the medbay and to the living room. The other mercenaries were filing in. You and Medic stood in front of them.

"What's this about, doc?" Engineer asked.

"(Y/N)'s anxiety is a bit harsh on her today and she needs a second opinion," he replied. He looked at you. "Go on, schatz."

You looked at the men. "Am I a burden to you all? Do I have any worth on this team? I'm not even a unique class. I'm just a stand-in for Spy."

The guys looked at each other before Spy spoke. "You are not a burden to us. As a matter of fact, you are the most valuable member of our team."

Scout butted in. "Yea'. You're the reason we've been freakin' dominatin' BLU for five months. And why the Administrator's givin' RED a raise."

Sniper added to the speech. "Not to mention you're a bloody good spy. Almost just as good as him. The amount of back stabs and how you execute them is impressive."

"BLU ain't got nothin' on us and it's all because of you, darlin'," Engineer assured.

"Leetle spy is most important member of team," Heavy said.

"We wouldn't be where we are without ye, lass," Demoman smiled.

"Your performance on the battlefield is top tier, soldier," Soldier chimed.

You could never understand Pyro, but you were able to make out, "love you."

"You are the crown jewel of this team, my liebe," Medic said with a hand on the small of your back. "BLU made the worst mistake treating you badly."

"You were the best on their team, too," Scout chimed in.

The other RED men gave various agreements.

You couldn't help but smile. "Good to know."

"You are not a stand-in," Spy included. "Whether I am part of any team event or not, you are as well." A small smile grazed the Frenchman's features. "Sniper is right. You are a magnifique spy."

Medic smiled at your reaction. "Danke shoen, everyone. Meeting adjourned."

Each mercenary gave you a pat on the back as they left. Medic led you back to the medbay. He took your hands in his and softly kissed you. You returned the gesture.

You both pulled back after a few moments. Medic chuckled as Archimedes made himself at home on your head again.


I'm hoping I can come up with Scout and Spy's ideas today, but I won't be surprised if I can't.

As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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