Messy Twister(Phantom[Danny Phantom] X Reader)

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I remember posting this one in my first book when I first started on Wattpad, but I rewrote it because as much as I wanted to post it again, it was cringy and needed to be redone.


"Tell us why you told us to come over," Sam requested as she and Tucker sat on the couch.

You and Phantom stood before a Twister mat covered in paper plates of corresponding paint on each red, blue, yellow, and green spot of the mat. You smiled at each other before you spoke. "Phantom and I wanted to play Twister but neither Danny nor Jazz wanted to with us."

"What's with the paint?" Tucker asked.

The ghost boy smirked. "She said Twister and I raised her messy Twister."

"That explains why you're wearing a tank top," Sam said to him. "You never wear tank tops."

"And you never wear basketball shorts," Tucker said to you.

"Yeah, we wore clothes we didn't care about getting dirty," you explained. You handed the spinner to the nerd.

"The tank top's actually Danny's," Phantom mentioned.

Sam smirked. "I can tell by the ectoplasm stains."

"It's from before we got separated," Phantom defended.

"I know how to get fresh ectoplasm stains out. Not aged," I mentioned.

"You guys ready?" Tucker asked.

"Yep," Phantom chirped.

"No powers, ghost boy," you said.

"Got it, got it," he complied.

Tucker flicked the spinner. "Right hand green."

"Oh, fun. Bending on the first turn," you said. You bent over to place your hand on a paper plate of green paint. The paint squished against your palm.

"Well, it's good news for me," Phantom smirked. He copied your pose. "I get to see that nice ass of yours."

You rolled your eyes. Phantom was the more lewd of the twins.

"Phantom," you said.

He locked eyes with you. "Hm?"

You flicked green paint at him. His face scrunched up and his eyes shut at the liquid splattering on his skin.


"You brought that on yourself, baby."

"Left foot blue," Sam spoke. You and Phantom added a foot to the mat.

"How's your back?" Tucker joked.

"Ha ha," you replied.

"Left hand yellow," Sam called.

You both were almost completely on the mat. Your hands pressed into yellow and green paint.

"I feel like I'm gonna slip," Phantom said.

"Be lucky we didn't make any bets," you said.

"Left foot yellow," Tucker announced.

Before Phantom could set his foot in yellow paint, he slipped and fell. "Man!" he groaned in defeat. His back was now covered in red paint.

You giggled. "You okay?"

"I'm fine," he replied then smirked, "but you're not."

You exclaimed in surprise upon being pulled down. You both proceeded to wrestle and roll around on the mat. The four colors were all over the two of you as well as some new ones.

"You guys look like a rainbow threw up on you," Sam commented.

You managed to pin Phantom down by straddling his waist and holding his wrists. "That was unfair."

He smirked. "You still won. I fell first."

"Wipe that smirk off your face. It's just a cover-up for how you feel about losing," you said. You yelped upon being put in Phantom's previous position.

He was now in yours, straddling your waist and pinning your wrists to the mat. He gave your lips a quick kiss. "No."

"Oh, you are so lucky we didn't make any bets," you threatened.

"You're right," he said. He leaned down. "I am the lucky one."

Before you could come up with another remark, the ghost boy's lips pressed to yours. This time, you were able to kiss back. Sam groaned in disgust and Tucker snickered at her in response.


Until whenever, I plan on posting rewrites of old one shots. I don't know if you guys will recognize the old pieces, but whatever happens happens.

As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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