How Angel Dust Saved Christmas(Angel Dust[Hazbin Hotel] X Reader)

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Ironic I'm doing a demon for Christmas, but it's one of the few Christmas one shots I have and he's a new character. 

Merry Christmas, everyone.


-Reader's P.O.V.-

Christmas Day. Most businesses are closed on Christmas Day. Not (your employer). This is because my boss is a capitalist dick.

I pulled my car into the driveway and put it in park. I put my head against the headrest and let out a deep sigh. I was so happy to be home.

I turned the car off and got out. I headed inside with another deep sigh.

"Angel, I'm home," I called. I heard a small snort. I looked down to see Angel Dust's pet demon pig, Fat Nuggets. I picked him up and kissed his head. "Hey, Nuggs." He licked my cheek. I smiled.

"Ho ho, ya li'l hoe," I heard. I looked up to see the pig's owner in a Betty Boop type red dress that had white fluff on both ends of the dress, white and red striped thigh highs, and a Christmas hat.

I giggled. "Hey, Angel."

He came over and gave me a hug. "Fuck, your boss is a dick, isn't 'e?"

"No shit," I sighed while clinging to him. "Well, there goes Christmas."

"We still have time, schnookums," he said then heard the oven beep. He kissed my head. "One sec."

He retreated to the kitchen. I heard him pull something out of the oven.

"Go get comfy, (N/N). I got some stuff to make up for today," he said with a smile.

I went up to my room and changed into (favorite pajama set). I came back to the living room and cuddled with Fat Nuggets on the couch.

"What's Daddy up to, Nuggs? Do you know?" I cooed to the pig. He softly oinked. I rubbed behind his ears and kissed his snout.

Angel Dust came into the living room with three gifts in his lower pair of arms and a plate of sugar cookies and a glass of milk in his higher pair. I smiled.

"These were supposed t' be birthday presents, but they came afteh. So I went for Christmas presents," he explained. He set everything on the coffee table then sat next to me. He smiled. "Take your pick."

I picked a smaller gift. I ripped the wrapping paper off to reveal a navy blue ring box. A black gold pink sapphire handcuff ring was revealed. The gem was cut into the shape of a heart.

"Angel, this is beautiful," I gushed.

He smiled. "I'm glad ya like it."

I slipped the ring onto my left ring finger. It was a perfect fit. Angel Dust kissed my cheek. He then handed me a sugar cookie. I took a bite and moaned in delight. "Holy shit, Angel."

He laughed then handed me the second longest gift. I pulled the wrapping paper off to reveal a Gemmy Industries "Skele-rina" animated cloche. I turned it on and pressed the button on the base. The figure slowly spun to the creepy music that played.

"I saw it and thought a' you," Angel spoke. "Since ya love Halloween."

I smiled up at him. "I love it, Angel." 

He took the cloche and replaced it with the biggest box. "I'll be shocked if you don't love this."

I opened the gift to reveal a (favorite color) Daisy lever action .177 BB air rifle. I gasped happily.

"Angel, thank you!" I squealed. He laughed whilst I tackled him into a hug on the couch. I kissed all over his face.

"Merry Christmas, schnookums," he smiled when I finished.

"Merry Christmas, Angel," I giggled.


This may or may not be the only one shot I'm posting today. I have two characters left, though, so there's a possibility I'll just get the list wiped clean today if I have some time.

As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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