Relaxing the Sports Elf(Sportacus[LazyTown] X Reader)

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I come with a peace offering. Hopefully I'll post more ideas today.


You and Sportacus decided on having a sleepover after another day of playing sports with the kids. You both were currently laying in your bed. The elf held you close while trying to sleep. It was past 8:08 and usually, Sportacus fell asleep pretty easily. That wasn't the case this time.

Your T-shirt clad back was pressed to his bare chest and he nuzzled his nose into your hair for the umpteenth time in the last thirty minutes. 

Poor guy, you thought. You rolled over in his arms to face him after locking your phone. You cupped his cheek. "Can't fall asleep, hon? You're usually out cold by now."

"This luckily only happens on very rare occasions," he replied. "I'm not keeping you awake, am I?"

"No, you're fine. I'm usually asleep by 9:15," you said. You caressed his skin with your thumb. You felt his hand bury itself in your hair and begin playing with your tresses. "Need help?"

"Yes, please, love," he said.

You hummed in thought. You got an idea. "What was the effect of rubbing your ears again? Didn't you say it relaxes you?"

"Mhm," he confirmed. "My father used to rub my ears to get my circadian rhythm accustomed to me falling asleep at 8:08."

Your hand moved from his cheek to the nape of his neck behind his pointed ear. "Do I have your consent, Sportacus?"

"Yes, my love," he said.

You pulled his head down into a soft kiss. He kissed back immediately. You gently traced the tip of his ear to test the waters. Sportacus' hold on you tightened a bit. He held you closer to him. You added your thumb and began gently rubbing his ear. You felt him melt against you.

You pulled back. Your hand didn't leave his ear. Your pressure remained gentle. You watched Sportacus' eyes become heavy.

"Is this okay, baby?" you asked.

"Mhm.." he hummed a bit tiredly.

"Can I add a bit more pressure?" you tried.

He gave you a small nod. The gentle touch was working better than you thought. You added a bit more pressure and he responded by burying his nose into your hair. The hand playing with your hair stopped moving. His eyes slowly closed. You smiled to yourself.

Sportacus' body slowly relaxed a bit more as he fell asleep. You continued the gentle stimulation of his ear to knock him out even more. After a few long minutes, you slowly removed your hand. Sportacus continued to sleep. You very softly kissed his chest then settled down in the sports elf's arms. Sleep came surprisingly easily.


I have 10 more characters to write and some still need ideas. I'm probably gonna drive myself insane while coming up with the missing ideas, as I usually do. /j

As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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