You're the One That I Want(Sportacus[LazyTown] X Reader)

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Any Sportacus simps still here?


You were getting your Xbox set up for Sportacus' potential arrival. You had sent him a letter asking if he wanted to play "Just Dance 2016" with you since the kids were playing. You'd mentioned to just show up if he wanted to join you.

You heard a knock at your door. You went over and opened it, smiling up at the hero who smiled down at you.

"Thanks for showing, Sportacus," you told him.

"Thank you for inviting me," he replied with sparkling eyes. You moved aside to let him in.

You had the living room rearranged so you had enough space. The coffee table had two water bottles and a tray of a bowl of assorted berries for Sportacus and a bowl of (favorite fruit) for you. 

You smiled up at him. "Ready to dance?"

"Always," he smiled,

You used your hand to set the game up. "Wanna pick first?"

"Ladies first," he replied.

"You sure?" you asked.

He nodded.

You scrolled through the song list. You were tempted to choose "I'm An Albatraoz", but you wanted to do a duet. You decided on "You're the One That I Want." You and Sportacus already had the routine down pat from doing it so many times.

The routine began. The two of you danced with sparkling eyes and happy smiles. You could have sworn you saw pink dusting the elf's cheeks that wasn't from the exercise.

"Have you seen 'Grease', Sportacus?" you asked.

"Good luck trying to get me to sit still long enough to watch it," he teased with a smile.

"I'll find a way, watch," you smiled determinedly. 

You both danced with perfect timing. One thought was going through your mind: Sportacus' reaction when you kissed him at the end of the song. It caused your stomach to churn. You tried to not let your anxiety show in case Sportacus noticed.

The end of the routine came. Sportacus picked you up and you wrapped your legs around his waist. He had a firm grip on your form so you wouldn't fall.

It was now or never.

Before you could make your move, Sportacus' lips pressed to yours. You were surprised for a moment before you kissed back. Your hands cupped his cheeks.

You both pulled back after a few passionate moments. Sportacus' cheeks were flaring. You giggled.

"What's so funny?" he asked.

"I was gonna kiss you, but you beat me to the punch," you smiled. "I love you, Sportacus."

The elf happily beamed. "I love you too, (Y/N)."


I'm trying to get "new" characters on here even though I have one shot ideas to write. I don't know how many characters I have left, though.

As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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