Acts Of Love(Marcurio[Skyrim] X Dragonborn!Reader)

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I know why I want to kill myself regarding writing. So I don't have to worry about posting one shots and I can focus on hand writing new ideas since I have some I need to write.


You walked into Proudspire Manor after having been on a few adventures for the past few days.

"Marcurio, I'm back!" you called.

"Back from an adventure, I bet?" he guessed with a smile. He embraced you. You returned the gesture.

"With some goodies," you smiled with a peck to his cheek.

"Let's go to the bedroom," he said then escorted you to said location.

Once there, you pulled out all the stuff for him and put it on the bed. His eyes widened in awe.

You smiled. "All of this is for you."

"Are you serious?"


"You really are too good to me. Isn't saving the world from Alduin enough?"

"Hey, you've saved me more times than I can count. I think I should make up for it."

The wizard pulled you close. "Need I remind you you've saved me just as much as I saved you? Not to mention you proposed to me."

You smiled with a roll of your eyes. "Okay, okay."

He smiled. "I love you dearly, (Y/N)."

You cupped his cheek. "I love you too, Marcurio."

He pressed his lips to yours. You returned the gesture. You kissed softly for a few long moments before pulling back and hugging each other.

"That Dwarven armor has a health enchantment," you smiled. "Not saying you're weaker than me, but I've seen you close to death too many times. The Dwarven sword has a health absorption enchantment."

"Did you find anything useful for yourself?" he asked.

"Regarding sellable, don't even get me started," you deadpanned.

Marcurio laughed. 

"I also got you some stuff for alchemy," you mentioned. You pulled out an apothecary's satchel and held it up to him with a smile. "Have fun."

He smiled. "How will I top this?"

"You'll find a way," you said. "Wanna test the new enchantments out on a dragon?"

"Give me a bit to gear up," he smiled then kissed your forehead. "You're the best."

You giggled softly. "Thanks, Marc."


As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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