Keeping the Pure Magic Alive(King Magnifico[Wish] X Reader)

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I'm obviously still simping, but something in my head is telling me these Magnifico one shots aren't as good as they could be. While thinking these ideas through, I've come up with very personal concepts like I do, but said concepts have gotten kind of heavy in regards to how my anxiety makes me feel and because of that, I ended up cutting out those personal concepts and going for what I've posted since I'm not one for angst and I feel like my personal concepts would be too heavy for Wattpad. "Making Up For the Past" is one full of unused concepts and while I'm satisfied enough with it and "Morning Passion", I'm not completely satisfied. This one is also full of unused concepts and I feel like it could be better. Honestly, I feel like "Morning Passion" is the one one shot out of the three that I didn't have any unused concepts for and I'm completely satisfied with. Please, please tell me these are just as good if not better without the heavy concepts. I know they're fine in my head, but at the same time, I feel like they could be so much better.

Forgive me for my rambling, it's just this feels weird and this is the best explanation I can come up with.


-Reader's P.O.V.-

Something told me it was way too early when my eyes opened. I was met with the bedroom being illuminated the slightest bit by the beam of light from the full moon. I went to snuggle against Magnifico to try and fall back to sleep, but his side of the bed was empty. I got out of bed and went to his study.

Once at the doors, I went silent. I listened for any movement to predict what he was doing. I got silence in return. I guessed he was in the wish chamber. I went in.

There he stood in front of the case that held the book of forbidden magic. I couldn't guess what he was thinking, but I wasn't letting him touch that damn book. I wasn't going to lose him to the vile magic it contained.

"Magnifico," I spoke just loud enough for him to hear.

He didn't move. "Go back to sleep, my love."

I went over to him. Getting a look at his face, I noticed his dull, tired eyes. I grabbed his hand. He looked down at me then gave in to the hug I knew he needed by embracing me. I immediately returned the gesture. A hand gently kept my head pressed to his body.

"You don't need to have that book in here anymore," I murmured.

He sighed. "I need something in case the kingdom's threatened."

We locked eyes. "When have you or the kingdom ever been threatened?"

"You can never be too careful, (Y/N). Anything can happen," he said. "Especially with magic."

"I get that, but Magnifico, you're a master sorcerer. You control magic as if you were born with the ability to. You don't need a book of forbidden magic that brings out the worst in you to protect the kingdom. Please. Get rid of it. You don't need it," I tried to reason.

He maintained eye contact for a few long seconds before looking at the book. His voice was filled with sadness. "A nightmare woke me up. About the book."

"What happened?" I gently coaxed.

His hold on me tightened slightly. "It corrupted you. It caused you to become drunk with power. You became evil. Your pure heart became vile. I lost everything when I was a child. You're an angel sent from the heavens. I can't lose you to it."

"Magnifico, look at me," I gently commanded as I pulled back. I took his hands in mine. Our gazes locked again. "You don't need that book. Get rid of it. Your magic is so much stronger than that disgusting magic inside that book. You don't need some foreign magic that's nothing but maleficent tainting the pure magic you control. If anything happens, the good, pure magic you possess will protect us."

He was silent for a few moments. He then murmured as the realization set in, "You're right."

"Is there any way to destroy it?" I asked.

"In a contained fire. It has to be cleansed by the light of the full moon first. The light turns the forbidden magic into pure magic and once the book is destroyed, the pure magic gets trapped in the gemstone," he explained.

"When's the next full moon?" I questioned.

"In two days. I'll have everything planned tomorrow. And a surprise for you once I get the gemstone," he said.

"What, does the gemstone become a good luck charm or something?" I guessed sarcastically.

The king's eyes went slightly wide in shock. "How do you do that?"

I giggled softly. "Lucky guess. Am I getting said good luck charm?"

"Yes," he gently tapped my nose with a soft smirk, "you are. I'll turn it into a necklace and it'll bring you good luck and protection against dark magic when you have it on."

I kissed the backs of his hands. "Thank you, mi rey. Now, can we go back to bed? You need sleep."

"Yes, let's get back to bed," he replied. "You need your rest as well."

We left the study and went back to the bedroom. We got into bed. I lied on my back and Magnifico rested his head in the crook of my neck while lying on his side. He clung to me and I held him close. My hand began gently raking through his hair.

"I may not have magic, but I'll protect you any way I can," I murmured. I felt him kiss my neck.

"I love you, (Y/N)," he murmured against my skin.

I kissed his temple. "I love you, too. So much, sweetheart." I began to softly sing. Magnifico nuzzled his nose against my skin. He held me closer to him.

"You never told me you could sing, my love," he smiled. "An angelic voice to match your pure heart."

I giggled softly. "You never asked."

"I need to ask more, then," he said.

I continued the soothing song while gently playing with Magnifico's thick tresses. His body slowly relaxed against mine. He didn't fight the sleep he desperately needed. His breathing slowed as he fell asleep. I gave in to my own fatigue minutes later and drifted into a dreamless but deep slumber.


I didn't expect this to be this long.

As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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