Matching Tattoos(Cicero[Skyrim] X Dragonborn/Listener!Reader)

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I got a new tattoo recently and I was originally going to write the entire process of getting it with the actual drawing and stuff, but I decided against it since I didn't necessarily want to base it off of my experience. So, I went for the aftermath. I also originally had Duncan be the character instead of Cicero, but obviously I went the "devoted follower" route with this one.


The reflection of the floor mirror stared back at you. You lacked the top of your Ancient Shrouded Armor to tend to your new shoulder tattoo. It was the Black Hand in complete black ink. You were carefully washing it with a wet linen rag soaked with wheat germ oil. You bit your lip as you tried to keep your pressure as gentle as possible. Once the tattoo was clean, you dunked another linen rag into the nearby bowl of water to rinse off the oil. You patted the skin dry after removing the oil. You grabbed a small jar of lotion you'd made from troll fat and honey from beside the bowl and gently applied it to the tattoo. You sighed softly with your eyes on the piece. You'd be in Oblivion once it got to the itching part of the healing stage.

"Oh, sweet Listener!" Cicero's voice echoed from the hallway. He came into the master bedroom with a satchel. Upon noticing the tattoo in the mirror's reflection, he asked, "Is that a tattoo, dear Listener?"

You nodded at him as he came over to you. "Mhm. I got it yesterday."

He gently grabbed your tricep below the tattoo. "It's the Black Hand. What's the date below it?"

You smiled at the memory. "The day we met." 

His eyes lit up. "The day you helped little Cicero!"

"Mhm. You like it?" you asked.

The Fool of Hearts gave you a genuine smile. "I love it, (Y/N). It's beautiful. Where did you get it?"

"Galathil in the Ragged Flagon," you replied. "For a thousand gold, but all of her services are a thousand, so."

"That's not as bad as Cicero thought it would be." he said. "Not for a beautiful piece like that."


Some days later, you were tending to your tattoo in the mirror again. Cicero's voice echoed as he happily exclaimed, "Sweet Listener! Cicero's back from Riften!"

You locked eyes with him when he ran into the master bedroom. He was missing his top and gloves, but sported a wide, excited smile. An identical tattoo to yours was placed on the same shoulder yours was on.

You giggled softly. "Why'd you get that, Cicero?"

"Little Cicero wanted to match with his sweet Listener," he beamed.

"Aww," you smiled. "That's sweet."

"Does the Listener like it?" he asked.

You nodded. "I love it."

Cicero giggled happily then kissed you. You kissed back with a hand cupping his cheek. You both pulled back after a few long moments. He cupped your cheek.

"My sweet, wonderful Listener," he crooned.

"My lovely, devoted Cicero," you swooned.


The new character's next. I'm hoping I don't write him too poorly, but I came up with my own version of him that's somewhat different from his canon personality. 

As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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