The Hunt For Little Sisters(Atlas[Bioshock Infinite: Burial at Sea] X Reader)

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I'm in a mood for Atlas and Pitch, so I'm writing them today.

If any of you remember from my last books, with Atlas, I like to use the "Atlas isn't Fontaine" concept for him. So that explains why he isn't a dick.


You walked out from behind a curtain in a dress for older Little Sisters. "Well?"

Dr. Tenenbaum smiled. "Perfect. Leetle ones vill trust you."

"How many ahre dere?" Atlas asked.

"Fünf," she replied. "Five. Here are locations. One ees with Beeg Daddy." She handed you a list of locations then fixed your (hair length) (hair type) hair to look as close to a Little Sister's ponytail as possible.

"Seems easy enough," you blurted.

"There ees bathysphere in last location. Other leetle ones and I will meet you on the surface," Tenenbaum said. "Good luck."

You and Atlas looked at each other.


You and Atlas walked around Arcadia for the third Little Sister. The two you previously found were holding hands with you. You felt the vibrations of a Big Daddy's footsteps through the ground.

The gatherer-guardian duo walked into your line of sight.

"Get t' safety, lohve," Atlas said while cocking his shotgun.

"Electric buck?" you hoped. The Irishman nodded.

You took the girls to a safe spot. The fight between Atlas and the Bouncer didn't last long. You and the girls came out of hiding once it was over. Atlas looted the corpse while the girls comforted and convinced the crying child to join you. Atlas split the one hundred twenty-six dollars he'd found in the Big Daddy with you.

"Three down, two to go," you exhaled.


After finding the final Little Sister in Hephaestus, you noticed Atlas thinking.

"What is it?" you asked with the new Little Sister sitting on your shoulders.

"Let's kill Royan," he said bluntly.

"...Can I do it?" you hesitated.

Atlas smiled and pulled the child off of you. He handed you his shotgun.

"Go to the bathysphere with the girls and stay there," you instructed. "I'll be right back."

You ran off and found a Little Sister vent that luckily led to the inside of Ryan's office. You climbed in and popped your head out into the room. Ryan was playing an eerily quiet game of golf.

You wanted this to be a sneak attack. You looked around for any blunt objects. You smiled at a nearby 9 iron. You carefully slipped out of the vent and prepared your attack. You quietly snuck up behind the founder of Rapture.

You swung the 9 iron as hard as you could. Ryan collapsed to the floor. His pained groans filled your ears. You hit him a few more times with the golf club. You looked down at his still body.

"Just to be safe," you said to yourself. You grabbed the shotgun, cocked it, and blew Ryan's head open. You opened the door to the office from the inside and left.

Upon meeting up with Atlas, he asked, "It's done?"

You stepped into the bathysphere and pulled the lever. "It's done."

The door closed and locked. The journey to the surface began.


Thanks so much for over 300 reads already, guys. It hasn't even been a month yet. I know I have a small following already, but damn. I didn't expect my book to pick up again.

As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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