Sucker Punched(Alejandro Burromuerto[Total Drama] X Reader)

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I'm in a huge writing mood so I'm taking advantage of it. I have some drabbles I might include today, but I don't know if you guys like shorter ones.


You weren't feeling the best mentally, so Alejandro took you to do some retail therapy at the mall. He bought you whatever you wanted. You were currently walking out to his car.

"Thank you so much for this, Alejandro," you said sincerely. "You really didn't have to spoil me like this."

He smiled down at you. "I wanted to. Your mental health is important to me."

"You're too sweet to me."

"You deserve it."

Alejandro unlocked his car. You opened the back passenger door and put your new possessions in.

"Hello, Al,"  a voice smirked.

"You've gotta be kidding me," you muttered. You stood next to Alejandro.

"What do you want, José," he said while holding your hand to let you know you'd be okay.

"I wanted to know why you're with this mess," José urged.

"My friend was feeling a little run down and I wanted to make her feel better," Alejandro said.

"Why is she even associated with you? Look at her. She dresses like an orphan, she has no class, and she's scared of her own shadow," José listed.

Alejandro growled. You squeezed his hand. "Okay, I'm gonna stop you right there, José. You really think I care about what you say? The only thing I care about is doing this and I can do it because I'm not part of the family. Can you lift me up, Alejandro?"

He picked you up by your legs to make you taller than his brother. You then proceeded to sucker punch him.

"My sexy cheek!" he yelled while holding his jaw.

"Dios mio, you're fantastica," Alejandro swooned. He placed a long kiss to your cheek.

You giggled. "Wanna hang at my house?" 

"Oh, whatever you want. I kiss the ground you walk on," he praised. "I love you so much."

You noticed he hadn't put you down yet. You kissed his forehead. "I love you, too."


Already over 400 reads. Thank you so much, guys. Really.

As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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