Puns and Cuddling(Sans[Undertale] X Reader)

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Any Sans fangirls still here or no?


You were curled up on the couch, laying down as you watched TV.

The light from the TV illuminated your face, being oblivious of a certain skeleton.

Your diary sat beside the couch on the carpeted floor, the book being evidence of your earlier writing mood.

All of a sudden, you heard the sound of Sans shortcutting.

Rolling onto your back, your gaze was met with the two glowing pupils of Sans' black eye sockets.

"Shouldn't you be asleep?" you asked him.

"i could say the same for ya, doll," he replied.

You sat up before Sans sat next to you.

"Are you stressed about something?" you asked. He shook his skull.

"nah. i feel fine, i just can't fall asleep," he said.

You let out a soft, thoughtful hum. "Maybe I can lull you to sleep."

The pun enthusiast cocked an eye ridge. "how?"

"Well, for starters, we could get you in a more comfortable position," you suggested before appearing in Sans' bed.

The both of you got into a position consisting of you on your back with Sans on his side, an arm around you as his skull rested on your chest, your arm around him.

"Better?" you asked. He nodded against your chest.

You began gently stroking his skull, feeling him cling to you.

"you're so warm," he murmured.

You giggled softly. "I'm a human heater for all that calcium, huh?"

Sans gave a soft snicker. 

"I'm glad you came to see me, Sansy. I got a little bonely," you smiled as you earned another snicker.

Sans looked up at you. "seriously?"

"What?" you asked. "I learned from the best."

Sans smiled, nuzzling his facial bones into your chest. "Mind singin' t' me, kiddo?"

You smiled, pressing a kiss to his skull. "Not at all."

After about thirty minutes of serenading the skeleton, you looked down to see him asleep on your chest.

Soft snoring came from him as he slept, clinging to you.

You couldn't help the smile that grazed your features.

"Sleep sweet, Sans," you murmured against his skull as you kissed the bone.


I may or may not get six done. This is number four and the next is five and honestly, I might call it a day after the next one.

The potential sixth one is another Puss because you guys like him, which is surprising to me.

As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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