Never Gonna Give You Up(Sans[Undertale] X Reader)

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On December 31st, Rick Astley rick rolled us into the New Year and the live version of "Never Gonna Give You Up" he did was honestly so much better than the original. He aged like fine wine and so did his voice. That version is the explanation for how I came up with this one.


-Reader's P.O.V.-

I knew Sans was having relationship doubt about us, so I decided to go big to get my message to stick. I was currently in my dressing room talking to Papyrus on a phone call.

"Hey, do you mind recording Sans' reaction for me, Pap?"


I giggled softly at his enthusiasm. "I hope so. I better go. I'm on soon."

"YOU CAN DO IT, (Y/N)! I BELIEVE IN YOU!" he praised.

I smiled. "Thanks, Papyrus. Bye."

"SEE YOU ON TV, HUMAN!" he said excitedly then hung up.

I gave myself a final once-over before walking out and to backstage. Mettaton met with me. "You look fabulous, darling~. Are you ready~?"

"Mhm," I replied. "Scared, but ready. Would you be able to record me?"

"Oh, you'll do just fine~. As long as you get the message across, right~? And of course~."

"Yeah, that's true. Thank you for letting me do this, Mettaton. I owe you." I handed him my phone.

His hand flipped down in a dismissive gesture. "You don't owe me a thing~." The commercial break ended and he went back on stage. "Welcome back to MTT, my fabulous darlings~! Tonight's episode is almost over, but I have a treat for you all, specifically a certain skeleton~. Everyone, give it up for (Y/N)~!"

I came out onstage while waving at the cheering crowd. Mettaton started recording as he handed me another microphone.

"Hello, Hotland!" I greeted with false confidence. "I'm happy to be here, but I'm nervous as hell, so I'm gonna cut to the chase." I looked into the center camera. "Sans, if you're watching and you better be because I told Papyrus to make you watch tonight's episode, I love you. I need you to know that because Papyrus told me about your relationship doubt. I'll never leave you. Ever. I've never loved anyone as much as I love you. I'm with you until we're both piles of dust. You need to know that and if that doesn't get through your thick skull," I gave the camera a shit-eating grin at the pun, "then maybe this will." I looked up at Mettaton. "Mettaton?"

-Sans' P.O.V.-

I looked over at Papyrus to see him recording me. "paps, what're you doing?"


"Everyone, give it up for (Y/N)~!"

My eye sockets widened at (Y/N) coming out into frame. "no way. her stage fright's too intense."

"NOT IF IT HAS TO DO WITH YOU," Papyrus said.

(Y/N) began to give a heartfelt speech. I could tell every word was genuine. I couldn't help but tear up. Her words were pushing any doubt I had about us six feet under. My SOUL began brightly glowing.


I couldn't help a genuine smile. "i think i just fell in love with her all over again."

"-And if that doesn't get through your thick skull," (Y/N) said while giving me a shit-eating grin at the pun, "then maybe this will. Mettaton?"

The instrumental to "Never Gonna Give You Up" by Rick Astley started. I immediately burst into laughter. It was my favorite meme song.

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