The Female Irken Anatomy(Dib Membrane[Invader Zim] X Irken!Reader)

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I don't know if this would be considered mature since sex doesn't actually happen, but it does go with the usual ZADR thing in which Zim's antennae can cause sexual pleasure. It's not too graphic in terms of the act itself, but still. Disclaimer.

Dib's 16 if that helps any future "pedophile" comments. Probably not, but whatever. I'm not a pedophile. It's fiction.

This is a rewrite, but I don't remember ever posting the original. Maybe I have. If anyone remembers, let me know.


-Reader's P.O.V.-

I had managed to sneak into Zim's base, but not without punishment from the arrogant Irken. He thought turning me into a member of his species would deter me from sneaking in again. It didn't. I was coming up with a plan to sneak in again to turn myself back into a human on the way to Dib's. I stole a blanket from Zim to use as a makeshift cloak to keep my new identity hidden.

I walked into the Membrane house. "Dib!" I yelled in my new native tongue. I was confused for a second before yelling again in English, "Dib, I screwed up!"

"How?! What happened?!" he yelled back then hurried down the stairs to meet me. 

I pulled off the blanket to reveal myself. My curled antennae stretched out in response to being free from the blanket and returned to their shape. Dib's eyes widened. He stood silent for a few long moments. 

"Speechless?" I assumed.

"Yeah," he exhaled the breath he was holding. "I knew Irken technology was advanced, but I didn't know it could change someone's species."

"Yeah, let it sink in," I sighed.

I knew he collected his thoughts when he rubbed his face. "Okay. First, what happened? How did Zim turn you into an Irken?"

"It was a gun that kind of looked like an ADAM needle from BioShock," I described the weapon in question. "I snuck into his base and this is how he punished me."

The Membrane son was silent for a bit yet again. He looked like he wanted to say something.

"What?" I asked.

He groaned a bit in frustration. "You're gonna think I'm weird for this."

"Says who?" I countered. "What is it, Dib?"

"Will you let me examine your anatomy?" he asked. "I need your consent first and I completely understand if you're weirded out."

"Well, this is a once-in-a-lifetime thing," I said. "Yes, you can examine me. Just no sharp objects."

"This is a bare-hand examination," he said. "I'd never hurt you, you know that. Irken or human."

"Clothed or nude?" I asked.

"Nude, if it doesn't make you uncomfortable," he said. "Let's go to my room first."

"Fine by me," I complied. We went up to Dib's room. He went to the bathroom to wash his hands then locked the door and closed his blinds when he came back into his room.

"Whenever you're ready, (Y/N)," he said. His amber eyes were soft and full of love and trust. "After this, we'll get you back to being a human."

I smiled a bit. "Thanks, Dib." I pulled off my clothes and dropped them into a pile beside my feet. "Have at it."

"I never realized how beautiful Irken eyes are," he said. "They look like spider eyes to me."

"I can see so clearly, oh, my God," I replied. "I need these as glasses."

Dib snickered. "Maybe someday." His hands roamed my shoulders and completely flat chest. "Obviously, Irkens aren't mammals. You don't have nipples or a belly button. And you have three fingers and two toes."

"Zim told me Irkens are literally hatched from glass tubes," I said. "So, that checks out."

"Your skin's really soft," he stated. He looked down at the vulva-esque body part in between my legs. "Would that be crossing the line?"

"I'll let you 'investigate' it tonight since you have the house to yourself. Not now," I said.

"Understood," he complied. "Can I touch your antennae? From what I've seen from Zim, they're sensitive."

"They are. I can hear G.I.R. and Zim's base is way out of human earshot," I said. "Yes, you can."

Dib's fingers very gently traced the curled end of one of the stalks. It flicked in response. He gently grabbed the base in between his index finger and thumb and gently stroked upwards. My body tensed. He looked down at me. "Did that hurt?"

"The complete opposite," I replied with a warm face.

"Does it feel like sexual pleasure?" he inquired.

"That's the exact description," I said.

"Do I have your consent?"


I gasped upon feeling my antenna in between Dib's lips. My head rested against his chest and he held me close. His finger twirled the end of my antenna around it while his mouth stimulated the rest. My chest heaved as the pleasure blossomed in my nerves.

"Good?" Dib asked before licking up the stalk.

"Yeah~," I moaned. I clung to him. 

My pleasured moans filled the room. Dib's stimulation caused a certain sensation to slowly build. His tongue and fingers stimulated my antenna with somehow expert skill.

"How are you so good at this~?" I moaned.

"No idea, but I'm glad I'm doing so well," he replied.

After a few minutes, I suddenly cried out as if I'd orgasmed. My nerves buzzed and I began to purr. Dib's motions stopped. He kissed my head. "I'm guessing you just orgasmed?"

"Smart boy.." I exhaled deeply. I nuzzled against him like a cat.

"Are you okay, baby? Do you need anything?" he checked in.

"I'm fantastic.." I smiled blissfully.

Dib directed me to his bed. He lied down on his back and I laid on top of him. I clung tightly to him. He held me close. My purring continued. His hand rubbed up and down my back, adding to the dreamy pleasure of the afterglow.


As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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