Being Hypnotized To Leave(Atlas[BioShock Infinite: B.a.S.] X Big Sister!Reader)

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I wanted to do a stable/unstable Big Sister thing that involved the Hypnotize plasmid, but I wanted to do both of them for Atlas. So I did the stable for Atlas and the unstable for Booker.


-Atlas' P.O.V.-

We were so close to leaving Rapture. Until Brigid found an extra Little Sister that was still infected with ADAM. As soon as (Y/N) heard, she teleported out of the Sanctuary to get the kid.

"We were so close," I sighed.

"I do not know how I missed one," Brigid said. "Give her five minutes. You know she will not take long."

"Did the kid have t' be in Arcadia?" I asked rhetorically.

"They travel fast," she said simply.

After what felt like way too long, I said, "I'm gonna go get 'er. Somethin's up."

The German listened on her service radio. A Little Sister's shouts as well as (Y/N)'s grunting were heard. "She is in battle. The little one has been found." She then spoke to (Y/N), "(Y/N), are you all right?"

"Yeah, just cornered by Houdinis. I'm fine," she replied. "I found the Little-" she battled the Splicers as she spoke, "I found the Little Sister, but the Splicers scared her off. Sorry it's taking so long."

"Do not apologize, frau," Brigid comforted.

"I'm comin' t' getcha, darlin'," I said.

"Atlas-ow! Fucking bitch!" (Y/N) said. "Atlas, no. Don't you dare leave. I won't be much longer."

"I'm leavin' now," I insisted.

(Y/N) wasn't able to respond due to her focus in the fight. The noises continued from the radio.

"You are really leaving?" Brigid asked.

"I gotta be at 'er back," I said. "Houdinis are too unpredictable."

She sighed. "All right. Be careful. We will not leave without three of you."

I escaped the Sanctuary and eventually got to the bathysphere station. The bathysphere took me to Arcadia. Once there, I listened for any sounds of (Y/N)'s battle. I heard the faint sound of the Houdinis' fireballs being thrown and cautiously followed it. It soon ended and Arcadia became eerily quiet. I sighed through my nose and muttered, "Damn it."

I eventually got to Arcadia Glens. (Y/N) stood with the Little Sister in her arms. A Bouncer corpse was beside her. The child cried for her fallen guardian. (Y/N) physically comforted her, but remained silent. Something was on her mind. Verbal comfort was a must for her when it came to the girls.

After a few minutes, the child calmed down. She pulled back from (Y/N) to look at her. "Go back to Mama, okay?" (Y/N) advised. "Straight to the Sanctuary."

The Little Sister nodded. "Yes, Big Sister."

(Y/N) carried her over to the vent and the child was helped into it. She started the crawl back to the sanctuary and the metal popping under her movement faded to silence.

(Y/N) turned and looked at the Bouncer. With some effort, she positioned it onto its back. She unlocked her helmet and pulled it off. Her face was streaked with tears. "There goes another."

I made my presence known. "Darlin'." I went over to her.

Her eyes met with mine. "I told you to stay at the Sanctuary."

"I told ye I was comin' to getcha," I countered. I cupped her head in my hands. "Why're ya cryin'?"

"I don't know. Rapture should have never been built. Ryan should have never been born," she said. "I can't leave."

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