The Eyewitness(Werehog!Sonic the Hedgehog X Human!Reader)

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I'm in a Sonic/Shadow thing, so here we go. This is very loosely inspired by "Animal I Have Become" By Three Days Grace, AKA the one of two most popular songs used for Sonic Unleashed tributes on YouTube.

I wanna write literally nothing but werehog stuff.


Sonic had gone for a run at an odd hour; right before the moon rose. Due to knowing his pattern, you questioned it and followed him. He never kept stuff from you and if he did, it never took long for him to come clean.

You ended up in the forest outside of the city. Suddenly, you heard Sonic's pained yelling as the moon came over the trees. You immediately ran in the direction of Sonic's screams. You soon got to him, only to be met with him going through a transformation of some kind. Judging by the assumption it only happened at night, his new form must have been werewolf related.

You watched in horror with teary eyes. You wanted to help him, but you didn't know how. You didn't think he'd let you.

Once the transformation was complete, he exhaled deeply. His back was to you, but he turned around after feeling your presence. His eyes widened. They seemed to glow in the moonlight. His voice was deeper and growly. "(Y/N).." He noticed your glassy eyes. "No, don't be scared. It's me."

"I know, the tears aren't from being scared. Well, they are, but I'm not scared of you. I was scared of what was happening to you," you explained while wiping your eyes. "Is this why you've been weird about our night walks lately?"

"Yeah," he said while rubbing the back of his neck. "I'm really sorry, (Y/N). I didn't wanna keep this from you. I just didn't want you to be scared of me."

"How did you get this form?" you asked.

He sighed angrily. "Eggman. He sucked the energy from the Chaos Emeralds and made it negative with this cannon thing. I was in close-enough range and got hit with the negative Chaos energy. Now I turn into a werehog at night." His short temper made its debut. He growled. "I'm gonna knock him into next year."

"Sonic," you said. His ears twitched at his name being called. His temper settled.

"Sorry. He's taken it too far. He's triggered the destruction of the planet and put every single person in danger and made me a monster," he said.

"Sonic the Hedgehog," you scolded. "You aren't a monster. If I hadn't followed you and watched the transformation, all I'd have to do to know it's you is to look into your eyes. They say the eyes are the window to the soul. You may be different physically, but one look in those eyes shows your heart is still the same. You are still Sonic the Hedgehog under all of that fur."

He smiled. "There you go with your pep talks."

"Even the most confident heroes need a pep talk every once in a while," you chimed with a matching smile.

He held out a hand. "Wanna take a walk?"

You took it. "You read my mind. Hey, Sonic."

"Yeah?" he said as you began to walk.

"I really like your werehog form," you admitted. "I know it's not about me, but still."

"Unfortunately for you, I'm getting rid of it. I run way too slow like this," he said.

"Then I'll support you every step of the way," you said. "Hell, I'll deal with Eggman on your behalf."

"No, you're not. No chance. I'll get a good hit in for you, though," he said. "Leave the fighting to me."

"Not like I need to step in, really," you said then smirked at him. "He's just another challenge you've dealt with dozens of times."

"Exactly," he smiled confidently. "I'll knock him out in five minutes with or without my speed."

"That's my hedgie," you praised with a kiss to the back of his hand.


As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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