Checking In(Jessie[Toy Story] X Reader)

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Fuck the algorithm, fuck my self consciousness. I'm posting for me because I wanna share my writing, not for statistics or whatever. 


The day was cooling down and slowly turning into night. You were laying in the hammock in the backyard, letting your dinner digest and your mind decompress after the long hours of work prior. The noises of the neighborhood slowly settling down for the night filled your ears. You heard Jessie's grunting and the sliding glass door open and close. You looked to your right to see her walking towards you.

"I didn't mean to interrupt," she said. "I just wanted to check on you."

You extended your fingers down to her. "You're good." You lifted her over the net of the hammock when you felt her grip and carefully set her on your chest. "Did you win?"

She smiled. "Yep." She looked toward the sunset. "I haven't been out here to watch the sunset in a little bit."

"You're welcome to stay, Jess," you offered.

She took off her hat and settled in the crook of your arm on her back. She looked up at you. "Has work been too much for you? You've been coming home tired lately."

"No, it's just the days have been dragging on for some reason," you explained. You held her hand in between your index finger and thumb. "I'm okay, I promise."

"Do you wanna do anything tomorrow since you're off this weekend?" she asked.

You hummed in thought. "I honestly wanna stay inside. I'm close to finishing Miitopia and I wanna get it done and start the post game."

"Can I watch?" she asked.

You smiled down at her. "Of course."

She rolled over and curled up against you. "You'll beat the Darker Lord on your first try."

"I have a good feeling about the final battle," you mentioned.

"You'll win," she assured.

You kissed her head. "Thanks, Jessie."


As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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