Patching the Code(Fix-it Felix[Wreck-it Ralph] X Vanellope's Sister!Reader)

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The original idea for this was so much darker and too angsty, so this is the upgraded idea. I like this one better.


You ignored your indecision while staring into the code room. You were dangerously tempted to negatively alter your coding, but part of you knew it was a bad idea. You didn't want to be the queen anymore.

Sour Bill pulled you from your fighting thoughts, but I continued to stare. "Felix and Vanellope are back from Gumball Gorge, (Y/N). They're looking for you."

"Okay," was your emotionless response. 

"What're you doing here, anyway?" he asked.

"I don't think I wanna be the queen anymore, Bill," you said.

"Okay," he hesitated. "I'm gonna get Felix and Vanellope. They can probably handle this better than me."

The jawbreaker left then soon came back with your sister and boyfriend. Felix spoke.

"What do you mean you don't wanna be queen anymore, honey glow?" he asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, you're the best queen in the arcade," Vanellope agreed.

"I'm a terrible queen, Vanellope," you said after facing them. "I don't deserve the crown, the title. I deserve to be a glitch. To be shunned and hated. Not you."

"(N/N), you're still beating yourself up about Turbo? I'm fine. Look at me," Vanellope reasoned.

"I'm an awful sister, too," you said. "I put you through all of that just so I could wait for the right time to strike. If I were such a great queen and sister, I would have prevented everything that happened to you and I by killing him where he stood."

"(Y/N), you had no choice but to wait. Turbo was more powerful than you," Felix said. "You had to wait for him to let his guard down."

"And you said he used me as blackmail. You had to wait to protect me. And even during him, you secretly watched out for me. When you told me the truth, everything made sense. It looks like you forgot the good stuff you did for me while waiting," Vanellope added. "Even without Ralph setting everything up, you would have taken Turbo down. You call yourself a bad queen and sister? I call you a massive liar."

"How can you forgive me for what I did?" you asked your sister.

"Doy, because I love you. And you fixed what happened. Everyone forgives you but you. Turbo happened and it's not your fault. The game's been reset, we're back to normal, and everything's fine," she said.

"It's not like Turbo was a horrible ruler, honey glow," Felix mentioned. "The kingdom wasn't in trouble."

"Yeah," Vanellope agreed. "He wasn't Hitler."

"How do you know about Hitler?" you asked.

"One, I heard some gamers talking about him for a history class thing and two, don't change the subject," she snarked. "You're a great queen and an even greater sister. End of story."

"You did what you could under the circumstances," Felix said. "In the end, you fixed what happened. Who's more deserving of the crown than you?"

"Vanellope," you said immediately.

"Pssh," Vanellope said dismissively. "Nah. You're older. Can't go against the coding. No switching."

You sighed and looked toward the code. You noticed your code. A wire was broken. "What the.. Guys, look." You pointed to your code. "We reset the game. Why is a wire broken?"

"A reset doesn't patch bugs," Felix advised. 

"And arcade consoles don't get updates," Vanellope added.

"Bill, would you please get me a licorice rope?" Felix asked.

Bill nodded and hurried off. He came back with the rope a few minutes later.

Felix took the rope. "Thank you, friend." He looked at you. "I say we do a little bug fixin'."

"I think that's why you've been weird since Turbo. You weren't like this before he got here," Vanellope said.

"It's worth a shot," you said.

Vanellope took the rope and tied one end around Felix's waist. The other end was handed to Bill. She pushed you to the edge. "Go fix it. I want my sister back."

Felix jumped into the void. He held out a hand with a soft smile. "Jump, honey glow."

You looked at the short yet questionable distance between you and Felix. You got a small running start and launched into the code room. Felix grabbed your hand and pulled you to him. You swam to your code. 

"It looks like it was originally attached," you examined the broken wire. "I think even before Turbo."

Felix plucked his hammer from his belt. "Just say the word."

You looked at Vanellope then back to your bugged code. Your eyes met with Felix's. "Do it."

With a tap of his hammer, your code was completely fixed. You suddenly felt different. You felt completely normal and giggled softly. You called to Vanellope, "Vanellope, wanna go test out my kart?"

She gasped happily. She knew what you meant. She hopped and glitched excitedly. " I got my sister back, I got my sister back, I got my sister back, I got my sister back, I got my sister back!" she yelled ecstatically.

You were pulled back to solid ground by Bill. Vanellope jumped onto you in a tight hug once you regained your gravity. She repeatedly kissed your cheek as you hugged her back just as tightly.

She pulled back while you held her in your arms. "I've said it once, I'll say it again. You're the best queen and the best sister."

You giggled softly. "Thanks, Van."

"Do you finally forgive yourself like I do?" she asked.

You kissed her forehead. "Yeah, I'm good now." You looked at Felix. "I know you guys just got back, but would you wanna tag along on the test drive?"

He kissed your cheek. "I wouldn't miss it for the world." He freed himself from the licorice and Bill took it. You all left the code room and you, Vanellope, and Felix went to your room to get you ready to race.


As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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