So Close(Spy[Team Fortress 2] X Medic!Reader)

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Some of these are characters you guys wanted more of.

Spy wasn't one of them.


"I'll let you deal with herr Spy," Medic told you while escorting the injured support class into the medbay.

"Thank you, Medic," you said then helped Spy onto the gurney. The German took his leave. You carefully pulled off Spy's mask. His left earlobe was missing. "Oh, God."

"Sniper," he explained. "He was centimeters away from a head shot."

"Yeah, I can see that. Shit, I'm so sorry I wasn't there, baby," you apologized.

"That's what the respawn system is for, cherie," he said. "Don't worry."

"Just the potential head shot or-? You came in with a slight limp and I think I can see some blood blending in with your suit," you examined.

"The limp is from their spy and my chest wound is from their demoman," he said.

Your eyes widened. "Chest wound?" You scrambled to get the Quick-Fix working.

"Calm down, mon amour, it's on my right side," he said.

You aimed the medigun at Spy and turned it on. The red healing beam engulfed him and reversed any damage.

"Did you get hurt at all?" he asked.

"Their scout shot me in the shoulder right before the fight was over. Medic healed me, though. I'm fine," you said.

"I'll get him back for you during the next battle," he vowed.

"Thanks," you smiled a bit. "I'll kill the spy and demo for you."

He gave you a smirk in return. "Merci, ma petite chou fleur."

"How do you feel now?" you asked once the damage looked completely reversed.

"Good as new," he replied. He leaned over and kissed your cheek. "Thank you, le médecin."

You turned off the Quick-Fix and Spy slid off the gurney. You hugged him. He returned the gesture.

After some long moments, you said, "I don't wanna let go, but I don't wanna stand here."

"Then we shall continue in bed after we get cleaned up," he said. He escorted you out of the medbay and to his room. The night ended with you falling asleep in each other's arms.


The other ones all have some length to them, so I'm going to try to crank them all out tomorrow.

As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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