First Time Power-Ups(Mario[The Super Mario Bros. Movie] X Reader)

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I wish they managed to include more power-ups in the movie, so this is my rendition with two that were included and two that weren't.


You and Mario stood in the backyard with four power-ups in front of you: a Double Cherry, a Super Leaf, a Mega Mushroom, and a Mini Mushroom.

You looked at Mario. "The cherry's new."

"Peach hasn't done a lot of tests on it, but we've heard it creates a clone of whoever eats it," he said.

"You sure these won't kill me? You know I rarely use power-ups," you said.

"You'll be fine, amore," he assured. "If this goes well, I'll get Peach to give me some more power-ups for you to try."

You looked at the power-ups. "Okay."

"Take your pick," he said.

You hummed in thought. You picked up the Mini Mushroom. "Do they all taste the same?"

"Mostly. The Mini Mushroom has a slight aftertaste," he said.

You exhaled. "Okay." You managed to eat the mushroom. You tasted the post-flavor Mario was talking about. Your hands then shrunk. Your body followed then your head. Your legs were the last body parts to shrink.

"Aww," Mario cooed. "You look so cute so small." He carefully scooped up your now four-inch-tall form and held you up to his face.

"You know how I like feeling small and being short?" you asked.

"Too small?" he assumed.

"Unfortunately. It feels cool, but I also feel in danger because I'm so tiny and defenseless," you explained.

"Well, one, you're not in danger," he assured. "Two, you may be tiny, but you're not defenseless. Three." He tapped you hard enough to rid your body of the power-up. He held you in his arms once you were back to your normal height. "There. Better?" He carefully set you down.

You nodded. "Thanks, Mario."

"Which one's next?" he asked.

"The Mega Mushroom," you replied. You picked it up. "How am I gonna eat this?"

"All you need is one bite," he said.

You took a bite of the mushroom. Your body began growing in height and increasing in size. Once the effect completely set in, you were standing at fifteen feet tall. You carefully picked Mario up by the back of his overalls.

"Well? Yea or nay?" he asked as he was he was set in your palm. 

You smiled. "If Bowser ends up escaping his cage and shit hits the fan again, let me take him."

Mario smiled. "You're actually taller than him by five feet like this."

"I could squish him like an ant like this," you smirked.

Mario's smirk matched yours. "I'll bring that up to Peach." He held up a readied hand. "Ready?"

You set him down on the grass. "Go."

Mario slapped your ankle, to which the power-up's effects reversed. You shrunk back down to your height again. The Super Leaf and Double Cherry were left.

You hummed in thought. "Is it the same concept with the cherries? Just one bite?"

"That's what I've heard. Peach never went into detail," he said.

You picked up the giant cherries. "At least I like cherries." You took a bite of one. A clone of you appeared in a cloud of smoke as if it was pulled from your body.

Mario's eyes widened. "Mama mia."

"Can you tell us apart?" you and the clone asked in unison.

"Unfortunately no," he said. "But, I'm assuming if I hit either of you, the clone will disappear regardless."

"That's my guess," you replied at once. You got an idea. You went over to Mario with the clone on the other side. Due to it copying your every move with perfect timing, Mario received a kiss on each cheek.

"I should've expected that," he smiled with pink cheeks.

You and the clone giggled simultaneously. Mario gave the clone a good punch to the arm without knowing he wasn't hitting you. The clone disintegrated.

"Was that too hard?" her asked.

"You hit the clone," you smiled.

"Okay, good," he smiled. "One more. I know how much you've always wanted to fly, so I got you the Super leaf instead of the Super Bell."

"Doesn't the Bell turn you into a cat?" you asked.

"Yeah. As cute as I think you'd look in it, I went with the Leaf. You're gonna love it," he said.

"Just touch it?" you assumed.

"Yep," he confirmed.

You picked up the Leaf. Your clothes turned into the Tanooki Suit Mario wore during the fight with Bowser. You looked over your shoulder to see the new tail you were sporting. "Huh."

"I can't wait to see you in the Cat Suit," he smiled. "You're so cute."

You gave him an amused smile. You tried launching into the air. To your slight surprise, you stayed airborne and were able to fly. You didn't expect the skill to come so easily, even under the effects of the power-up. You soared in the air, giggling and whooping in excitement. After a few minutes, you landed next to Mario. "Oh, my God."

"Fun?" he happily assumed.

"So much," you smiled brightly.

"What power-ups do you wanna try next?" he asked.

"A Fire Flower, the Super Bell, and a new one Peach hasn't made public yet. I'd love to use a Super Star, though, but I know it's rare if you and Luigi didn't use the only one in existence," you said.

"A Super Star, huh? From experience, the best way I can describe it is you feel on top of the world. You're invincible, the strongest you can possibly be. It's such a rush. Amazing is an understatement," he explained.

Your tail wagged at the description. "Wow. I can't even imagine."

"I hope one day you'll be able to experience it," he said.

"I'm sure there's another out there somewhere. Hopefully Peach can get it in case of another incident," you said.

"Yeah," he agreed. "Since a Fire Flower is on your list, let's go to the Fire Flower Fields tonight. Not only do you have unlimited power, it's also got one heck of a view of the sky at night."

You smiled. "Okay."

Realization hit him. "It's a long walk, though."

"Let's fly there, then," you suggested with a flick of your tail.

"Done," he smiled.


As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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