His girlfriend?

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Alicia_The_Cat : Me. Sonic, in Sonic boom eps. "Brodown Showdown"when eggman said "you would never get that sofa for that pathetic girlfriend of yours." (i think???) And your answer's "she's not my girlfriend" does that mean you're trying to hide your love for ms. Amy?

Sonic: What kind of question is that. Did I even do that?

Silver: Of course I did.

Shadow: I didn't even see it.

Silver: Watch the vid.

Sonic: *watches video*  0____0

Shadow: So?

Sonic: I swear! I didn't say that! Even! People do you believe me that I don't have that much liking?!

People: Maybe

Shippers: Yes!

Haters: NOOOOO!!!!!!

Sonic: Ah! EggMan I hate you. And I'm not answering that question cause its too.... Ah!

Shadow: We might need a moment of rest for a but. He needs to clear his mind.

Silver: Yeah.

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