The runaway groom

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*points finger at you*Sonic the hedgehog!, I dare you to marry me!

Sonic: ((((;゚Д゚)))))))

Silver & Chip: Dun, Dun, DUN!!!! *sings Jaws theme*

Sonic: H-hey! Cut that out!

Silver: Dun, dun, dun, dun.....

Sonic: ヽ( ̄д ̄;)ノ=3=3=3

Silver: Oh you're not getting away you blue hedgie. *traps him*

Sonic: *tries to run but fails* Hey! Let me go! Have! I don't wanna get married yet!

###Few minutes later###

Sonic: *in groom suit* -_-# I hate you guys.

Silver & Chip: ♪(*^^)o∀*∀o(^^*)♪

Amy: *in wedding dress* Sonikku!!! *rushes up to him*

Sonic: *lowers ears* Uhh...

Silver: *plays the piano* Ten, ten, tennen! Ten, ten, tennen!

Sonic: -//3//- Stahp.

Amy: Come on Sonic! It's a dream come true!

Tails: Do you Sonic, take Amy as your wedded—

Sonic: Tails?! You're in it too?!

Silver: Well I had to. We have no priest and we're just in this room, so heh.

Chip: *is ring bearer holding chips* The rings are silver!

Sonic: *cries mentally*

Tails: And you may now kiss—

Sonic: Hey I haven't said I do yet!

Amy: So you want to get married?

Sonic: .......

###A few minutes later AGAIN###

Amy: *chases Sonic with her hammer* Come back here Sonic!

Sonic: *runs away* Waaaahhhh!

Amy: ( ̄Д ̄)ノ#

Sonic: ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=┌(; ̄◇ ̄)┘ Got. To. Go. FAST!

Silver: *looks at Chip* Well, that didn't ended as I was expecting.

Chip: *takes picuters with camera* They look sweet together when they're chasing each other.


Amy: SO. NIC!!!

Silver: (OvO) (ーvー) I gotta send this to Shadow hehe

Chip: *eating the chips* Thanks to whoever given me this chips! Yum!

Silver: Care to share?

Chip: No.

Silver: ;3;

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