Death of a Cat

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I have a question. This is the admin speaking. Have you ever sang a song you like so much, and then someone asks "Where's that cat you're killing?" when he refers to you singing?
I dare you guys to battle Guzma and the skull team. (They're from Pokemon)

Shadow: Yes. *glares at Sonic*

Sonic: *sweatdrops* Er... Hiya Shadow.

Shadow: (-_-) You ruined my moment.


Silver: *listening to MP3*

Shadow: *walks by* *sipping coffee* Silver, what's that?

Silver: Hm? *removes earphones* Oh this? I came by to visit Amy and she was listening to these stuff. I think this what this world calls MP3.

Shadow: Hmm... Hand me that.

Silver: Sure. *hands it to him*

Shadow: So, I have to do here is put these things on my ears?

Silver: Yep.

Shadow: Huh. *puts them on* *hears music* Fascinating.

Silver: Whelp, just gonna go do some stuff now. See ya Shadow. *leaves*

Shadow: *scrolls down playlist* Hmm... How about this one. *picks Death of A Bachelor*

Sonic: *passing by* *hears Shadow singing* What the...

Shadow: Happy ever after! Whooo! How could I ask for more! Lifetime of laughter, at the expense. Of the death of a bachelor~

Sonic: Hey Shadow! Where's that cat you're killing today?

Shadow: Huh?! *sees him* *is blushing* FAKER! I'm gonna slaughter you!

Sonic: Eep! *runs away being chased*

Shadow: *like an angry shark chasing Sonic*

###End of Flashback###

Sonic: *rubs head* He really ought to hit me.

Shadow: (-3-)

Sonic: Oh yeah! We aren't gonna have some battles for today, the skull whatever team are here and just... Eating here.

Skull Team: *eating whatever they find inside da room*

Chip: Where are my chocolate bars?!

Shadow: *arms crossed* Also this "Guzma" guy you're talking about is nowhere to be found.

Sonic: Speaking of nowhere to be found... Where's Silver?


Silver: *kneeling beside Blaze* Blaze?! Are you alright? Why are you like that?!

Blaze: I *coughs* Don't know... I was just *coughs again* reading a book here. Until I heard some screeching over at your place. *coughs again* I think I might die Silver.

Silver: *in mind: Maybe giving Shadow the MP3 had been killing cats for a change*

Song here is Death of a Bachelor by Panic! At the Disco :)

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