Kissing ze Antis (except Sanc!)

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Hm...let moi see....ooh I've got a dare! Sonic and Scourge kiss and make out!!! 👌 perfect!

Silver and Steel kiss next!!👌

Finally..............Shadow and Scourge kiss!!!!! Yeah!!!! 👌 👌

Sonic: *eye twitches* You've GOT to be kidding me

Scourge: Why... Would I have to kiss double??

Sanctum: Eh I guess am lucky this time *babysits Ava*

Ava: Wut ish dis armor for? *pokes ze armor*

Sanctum: Aww... It's protection honey. If I remove this off me, I'll get out of control. Like if Shadow removes his Inhibitor rings, he'll get out of control.

Ava: Okay. You're nicer than Uncle Shadow, Uncle Sanctum

Shadow: -.-" Really?

Scourge: -3-"

Sonic: Come, I'll be the man again of making out *pulls Scourge into another room*

Scourge: Ey mate! What are you doin!?

Sonic: *smirks* I'll go easy on ye

Scourge: 0//3//0;;; Oh Shi

Sonic: *kisses him on da lips*

Scourge: 0////0

Silver: O.o Why do I have to kiss fernhead?

Steel: Bleh! Kissing pothead is ze worst! I'd rather go into the Fangirl pot of Doom myself than kiss him

Silver: Well to say... How do you know that? And to add, I'll put you in. Gladly >:) *evil smiles*

Steel: Ò3Ó Fine boi *goes to him* *smash his lips to his*

Silver: O////3////O????!!!!

Steel: *licks his lips*

Silver: *pushes him away* Ew! What was THAT?! You should prolly RESPECT me at least!

Steel: *smirks* Coward?

Silver: -3- Not.

Scourge: *comes back carrying Sonic who has fainted while blushing but smirking* We're back~

Shadow: What happened to Sonic?

Scourge: Oh he couldn't handle all the moaning and was prolly yelling out that I'm raping him. So then I smack him to unconsciousness and continued our little make out~

Shadow: 0-0 Why me

Scourge: *smirks* *kisses him on da lips*

Shadow: *tries to punch him*

Scourge: *dodges* Ah, ah, ah!~ I'm holding a damsel in distress here eh?

Sonic: *dreams about Chili dogs*

Shadow: -__-" I hate you.

Scourge: 👌🏻

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