The Tornado

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I dare sonic to chug 50 cans of monsters and have a crazy sugar rush and crazy sugar crash

Sonic: Wow, she never gets tired of telling dares huh.

Silver: *wears shades* I got yo cans of monsters and be ready to get yo rush on

Sonic: Well I'm ready! Be prepared for a full throttle of energy surging and being blown in a tornado, cause Rush is my middle name!

(Boom!Knuckles: I thought your middle name's "The") <--- Don't mind this one d( )

Chip: *straps himself on the couch* I'm ready!

Sonic: *chugs in*

Silver: 1...2...3...4...5

###50 chugs later###

Sonic: Ugh... I'm FULL.

Silver: *looks at clipboard* Hmm... Now let's see the results.

Sonic: (OuO) I'm feeling a SUGAR RUSH AT THE MOMENT!!! *runs in sonic boom*

Silver: *flown off* Ah!

Chip: Oh no.

Sonic: I Can't Seem To STOP!!! *circling around*

Silver: The results are off the chart! *clipboard flies away* Now it's really off the chart and my hands!

Sonic: *forms a tornado* Uhh guys... You better get out!

Chip: Tornado alert! *tries to fly* Oh. I'm kinda strapped here.

Silver: We are so doomed.

Sonic: AHHHHH!!!!

*And the tornado gets outta control so it begin to terrorize the city*

Sonic: Help!

Silver: Stop the tornado Sanic!!!

Chip: My chips flew away!

Silver: I ate them a while ago!

Sonic: Stop me!!!

###Meanwhile at GUN HQ### (Now you will see Shadow here -3-)

Agent: A tornado was seen terrorizing the city!

Commander: Troops! Get Red Alert! Now!

Shadow: I'm sure the tornado will cease Commander.

Commander: What makes you say that?

Shadow: Hmm... Let's just say those two hedgehogs have done something very chaotic and out of control. (-3-;)

Commander: . . . .

Shadow: I'm gonna get some coffee I have many paperworks. *walks out* I'm just glad I'm not part of tha— WHAT'S THIS CAMERA DOIN' HERE?!

Camera: Umm... Hi? (o3o;;)

Shadow: (ō-ō)

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