Stayin w/ ze Triple Threat

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Okay i know you might hate me Sonic but...Since it's the season why don't you guys celebrate it with the Triple Threat? Only for 10 asks and dares

Shadow: *spits out his coffee* What the-?!

Silver: *stops playing with Ava* Wha?!

Sonic: *stops eating chili dog* Shiiiiii—

Scourge: *comes in* Da king is back once again!

Sanctum: Eh... Couldn't care less

Steel: Well I have somethings to do but then, pothead's sister begins to insist us.

Silver: *eye twitches* This won't be going too well, ye blabbering fern head.

Steel: What did you just say to me!?

Shadow: This isn't gonna go well huh?

Sonic: *sighs* Indeed. I really hate much to see, Scoirge acting king around. They are our Antis

Shadow: We'll be staying like this for at least 10 dares and asks.

Sanctum: Hate to tell you "Ultimate Lifeform" but am not gonna go easy on you guys *smirks*

Shadow: *shivers* Uhh... Even the smile is fake. Ya "Ultimate Weapon of sh*t*

Sanctum: WHAT?!

Scourge: I think we'll do good here Ey mate? *puts arm around Sonic*

Sonic: *groans* Hubadooba this is bad. I'll have call the green car patrol for this

Ava: *smikes evilly* >:3 *whispers* I now have many people to play with hehe

Steel: e.o Um....

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