Rodeo & a confusing confession

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Two dares! Again!
I dare sonic to ride on shadows back like a bull at a rodeo 😂
I dare Silver to confuse his feeling to Blaze

Sonic: *rides on Shadow* *in cowboy's voice* I'm getting on a rode-ooooo!!!

Shadow: o_0 Da fuuuu?!

Sonic: *kicks his butt* Hurry on now!

Shadow: Ah! *acts like a bull* How does he do that?!

Sonic: *pits on cowboy hat* This cowboy have some secrets par'ner.

Shadow: -3-*

Silver: Uhm.... Ah B-Blaze

Blaze: YESH now Silver?

Silver: >//~//< I uh...

Ava: Uncle Silver is gay miss Blaze

Blaze: wHAT?!

Silver: 0_0 That's not what I meant! Ugh, Ava!

Ava: :P Bye *runs away*

Blaze: You're gay then?

Silver: N-no Am not! It's really confusing to say really

Blaze: Coem one, spit it out, or I'll force you while throwing some flame balls at you *creates flame ball*

Silver: O-O!!!! Okay so.... Blazeireallylikeuenamjuzsushytotellyoubutiluvyoumorethaneverahwhoamikiddingyoucannutlovesomeonelikemehhuhuimmajustfaintnowjfofndkfndjdnd!!!! *faints*

Blaze: 030?! Okay.... (・・;)


Shadow: *huffs* *skids to a stop*

Sonic: *flies off him* Waaahhhh!

Shadow: >:) Huehe

Sonic: *lands on chili dog stand outside ze house* Wow.... Yay!!! Shadow thanks for throwing me off and got me to ze chili dogs! :3

Shadow: D:< Ah! I give up! *tantrums*

Ava: o.O

Blaze: *cross arms* *goes to her* I don't know how you handle see three

Ava: *looks up* *shrugs* Meh.

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