SonAdow under the mistletoe

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Sonadow is bae and you know so SONIC KISS SHADOW FOR 1 min and say I love you
And it's a dare

Shadow: I had enough kissing of boys already! I told you, am not gay! Faker is the gay!

Sonic: -3-"

Silver: Then that means you're still SonAdow cause you made Sonic gay~ *wiggles eye brows*

Shadow: 0-e That is not what I meant but Faker is also not the gay.

Silver: :/ Who then?

Sonic: You Silver.

Silver: D:< Why you two always fight over meh?!

Ava: Yah! Why you two fight over Silver?! Whoops what am I saying....

Sonic: Shut up Ava.

Ava: ;-;

Silver: Hey you made her cry! Kiss now you two! Am using the force to kiss! *telekinesis them to kiss*

Shadow: ò.Ó!!!! *kisses Sonic suddenly*

Sonic: ÓnÒ *kisses Shadow suddenly*

Silver: Now smooch! *makes them smooch*

Shadow: *can't move by Silver* *smooches Sonic* Ò//////Ó

Sonic: ~//////~ *also can't move but smooches Shadow Damn it!*

Ava: o.O Is this for me to watch or...?

Silver: Just watch what your uncle can do Ava ;3

Ava: o.e?

Sonic: *in mind: I'm a much better and responsible babysitter for Ava than her own uncle whose sister is her mother -.-"*

Shadow: sTAHP IT!!!!!

Silver: Nope you can't! You two are under the mistletoe! >:3

Sonic: Silver is getting evil by the moment

Shadow: What do you want me to do? Punch him to the gut while I can't move?

Sonic: :/ Eh it's worth a shot anyway

Shadow: -.-" I hate you Faker

Sonic: I hate you both with Silver but you two are my friends and it's Christmas

Shadow: For F*ck's sake! Stop blabbering about Christmas!

Silver: O.e Am just watching the two quarrel or...?

Ava: Love sucks

Silver: No Ava! Love does not suck! You're too young to understand!

Ava: Love will surely suck when you can't get to ask Blaze out without stuttering and confess to her. >:3 *smirks evilly*

Silver: *eye twitches* Why do you got that evil side of yours on Hazen? *sigh* I blame your dad on this

Ava: >:| What's the matter with my dad huh?!

Silver: Eh... *sweat drops* Nothing hehe. ^^"

Sonic: Hey let us down now you Pothead!

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