Hugs of death???

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Hey shadow and sonic can my friend ash here get a hug from you X3
Ash:w... Wha-
Me: *pushes ash next to shadow and sonic*
Ash: *dies on the inside and flips max off/me*
Me: *runs off laughing evilly* MUAHAHAHA

D. Sonic: Sure~

Shadow: Okay.

D. Sonic: *gives the hug* There, you like it?!

Shadow: *sighs* *hugs her* *pats her back* Done.

Ash: *squeals* *dies of fangirling*

Shadow & d. Sonic: O__O Ō-Ō"

Silver: OoO Oh no! You made her die!!!

Shadow & D. Sonic: *points at each other* ITS HIS FAULT!

Ash: *daydreams* *in mind: I'm so lucky*

Silver: No wait... She's still alive (ahem, mind reading you mister)

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