Jump into ze world of EXE

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I dare Shadow to jump from a cliff, into a portal to the world EXE
(Storm.exe wants to give Silver 'Something special')

Sonic: *turns on camera* Testing, testing... Do you guys see me, hear me?... Well the light is on so okay...

Sonic: Hi guys! Been a long time since we haven't been doing this ask dare thing hm? Guess so. After that reunion chap thing we got to business with stuff and also relaxing. Me going back to Apotos with Chip. Shadow to GUN to do some agent stuff. And Silver going back to the future to fix something. And yada-yada... This is where we should start off. *points camera at Shadow*

Shadow: *watching action movies* What the-?! I thought that thing broke already?

Sonic: Shadster... We just had a break, it didn't meant this became broke -.-"

Silver: *comes in* *wiping himself* Hm... We got a dare?

Sonic: Yep. Hey Chip, could you hold this?

Chip: Sure thing, Sonic!

Sonic: Thanks buddy. Now Shadow, the dare.

Shadow: What dare... Oh. OH, not that. Please no. *stands up* I am not.

Silver: Gotta do it no matter what Shad. Or you wanna be thrown into the fangirl pit of doom?

Shadow: -_-" Okay now, let's get on it.

Sonic: Right *snaps fingers*

Shadow: *teleports onto cliff* *sighs* Well here it goes. *looks down at portal* I really have to do this... For Maria... And those girls who I love. *jumps off* GERONIMO!!! *goes in*

Sonic: Now. *motions Storm*

Storm.exe: *comes in* *holding something behind back*

Silver: Heya Storm! *goes to him* Whatcha' got there hm?

Storm.exe: *blushes* *shows him Storm.exe plush* F-for you.

Silver: *leans closer* Can't hear you enough.

Storm.exe: *blushes more* For You!!!

Silver: *smiles* Aww! It's cute! *gets it and cuddles it* Let me guess... You also have a plush of me?

Storm.exe: *nods shyly*

Silver: Well thanks for this. This is very cute! Like you! *hugs him*

Storm.exe: *smiles* Thank you.

Silver: Don't mention it.

Shadow: *comes back being all bloody but isn't bruised* Down there was really something called hell. I mean like heck.

Sonic: You missed a lot of happenings here bub :P

Shadow: I don't care. As log as I don't have to do any dares again.

Silver: Too bad, we have a lot to do! *evil smirks* >:3

Shadow: . . . . .

Chip: *waves at camera* See you again!

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