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XD awesome... now guys I have some dares
For Silver: Play "Sophie's Curse"  :3
For Shadow: Watch "The Fault in Our Stars" :3 and comment it
For Sonic: ..... nothing :3 just hug me (if you want) :3
For Chip: You're so cute! But... play with Sally Williams

Chip: Who's Sally Williams? (:3)

Silver: Let me guess it... Another horror game?

Sonic: Can be... At least I wouldn't have to do anything. *sits on bean chair playing flappy bird*

Shadow: You're still playing hat game? That's so in the 2013's.

Sonic: Shush! I'm almost in the 90th pipe! So shhhh!

Shadow: (030;) Um... Okay?

Silver: *sigh* Why torment me with horror games? FNAF wasn't THAT bad.

Sonic: Well you still haven't gotten over Slen—

Silver: *eyes him intently*

Sonic: (0.0;)

Silver: At least you got NOTHING to do hedgehog. *takes sit on computer* *starts playing weeping a bit*

Shadow: Meh I'm just gonna watch in a movie and comment something. I'll be in the other room so BE QUIET.

Chip: What's with everyone CAPS LOCKING?

Sonic: Just a way to EXAGGERATE things. *plays another game*

###Throughout Silver's cursed torment###

Silver: *search around da house* C-come on... Find that missing... *Sophie jump scares him* NUUUU!!! *cries* Why you must do this to me! 。・゜・(ノД')・゜・。


Silver: Yes, yes! I almost got it! Nuh uh you're not gonna scare meh this time creepy gurl! *got jumps cared behind* 。・゜・(ノД')・゜・。OKAY I GIVE UP! *flips the computer* *runs out crying*

--- ---

Shadow: The movie is actually pretty nice. Besides me learning what types of gunfire and tanks Hitler used in battle, and other countries. I must say that sacrificing for the good of humanity is actually a beneficial thing for all humankind. Even if I had some hatred on humans before.

Sonic: *almost cries* That was motivational!

Shadow: Thank you and I'm the WISEST even if you have my personality. Remember that. *flips quills*

Sonic: Yeah yeah. Grumpster wisehog.

Shadow: (-3-) Don't ever call me that.

Sonic: Roger.

Silver: *finished destroying the computer* From now on we aren't buying any inflat desktops! We will buy LAPTOPS from now on!

Sonic: What's his problem?

Chip: (-3-) Well you know the story. Played horror games on a computer, got scared and suddenly trashed it. And now he only avails laptops.


Shadow: (D:) Now you're like being Hitler.

Silver: *has Hitler mustache* (:{0) For all to have a better society, I shall also ban some other things!

Sonic: *takes chilidog and other stuff he likes* *points shot gun at him* U R NOT GONNA TAKE AWAY THESE BABIES!

Shadow: *does it too* *raises AK-47* SO AM I!

Chip: (.-.)

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