Silv picks his nose

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I dare Silver to put his finger in his nose and scream "I don't pick my nose I swear!" Pull it out and start chasing Chip

Silver: :3 Worth a try. *puts finger in nose* *goes to Sonic*

Sonic: *eating chilidog* Silver?

Silver: I don't pick my nose I swear! *leans closer* See?

Sonic: (o-o;) Okay...?

Silver: (ewe) *pulls out finger* *looks at Chip*

Chip: *eating chips*

Silver: Hehe, since Chip didn't give me chips. I'll chase you! *chases him*

Chip: (o3o;) WAH!!! *flies away*


Sonic: *looks at them* (o-o;;) Hehe, I'm just silently gonna eat this chilidog and keep quiet.

Chip: Stop chasing meh!

Silver: No way hoe day!

Sonic: (-w-;;) He still says that.

Chip: (>w<;;;) GOTTA GO FAST!!! SONIC!

Sonic: (-3-;)

Chilidog: Enjoying the pleasure of eating huh Sanic?

Sonic: (owo;;) I thought the talking things stopped.

Chilidog: I thought you love meh!

Sonic: (o3o) *looks left* *looks right* *looks at chilidog*

Chilidogs: *wants hug*

Sonic: *throws it out da window*

Chilidog: Hey!

Sonic: Nevermind. I'll take a taco.

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