A dark coincidence?

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Sonic the percent lol dare sonic to be dark sonic for 10 dare

Shadow: What?! Again?!

Silver: Oh this might go bad for the last time.

Sonic: Hey! I'm innocent!

Silver: Shadow, make him angry!

Shadow: What?! Why always I have to be the one who caused such damage?! Could someone be—

Eggman: Hohohoho!!! You imbecile hedgehogs have wasted your precious time on taking this question and dare thing that I! Dr. Eggman! Evil genius have taken over the world!

Shadow: Well, what a nice way to say things.

Eggman: And first order for conquering the world! Destroy Sonic's friends!

Sonic: What?!

Eggman: Then, I take the people all over the world to be roboticized and be my slaves!

Sonic: You can't do that!

Eggman: Then, I'm gonna use those pestering little woodland creatures to be powering my badniks!

Sonic: Hmm... That might be a weak thing to do but... What?!

Eggman: Lastly, I'm gonna ban chili dogs forever and destroy all chili dog making machines in infinity!

Sonic: NOOOO!!!! *gets angry*

(A/n: I noticed the reason that can make Sonic angry always, is that to ban chili dogs for the rest of our days. O.O)

Silver: T-that's very n-nice... Eggman.

Shadow: *ducks down*

Chip: Huh?! What's happening to Sonic?!

Silver: *hugs him* Better not talk for now.

Chip: O.o

Sonic: *laughs bitterly* So you think, you can get away with all those cruel things you may do as you please?

Eggman: What are you talking about?!

Sonic: *fur turns dark* *eyes become soulless* You're like the others, aren't you? Only gratitude and selfishness may provide you the dream you're wanting to achieve. But not any longer. *hands turn to fist*

Eggman: :{0 What is happening here?!

Shadow, Silver & Chip: *backs away*

D. Sonic: *goes attack Eggman*

Shadow: Now Silver!

Silver: Ah! *holds Sonic using telekinesis*

D. Sonic: What the-?!

Chip: Yah! *knocks him out using powers*

D. Sonic: *gets hit* *is unconscious*

Eggman: Whew! So you three are helping me?

Shadow: *rolls eyes* No, someone dared Sonic to be his dark himself. We don't know how to turn him angry until you came and said all reasons to make him mad.

Silver: *pants* And, it sort of all went good.

Chip: *looks at Eggman angrily* And you've caused enough trouble already.

Eggman: o-o" Okay, Okay! I'll go! *flies away*

Shadow: *sighs* He will wake up by the next chapter.

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