Sad story

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Aliciana_the_Cat: Question for Mr.Shadow: Why do you always hide your feeling and always Grumpy?
Dare for Mr.Sonic: I want you to dress up as Kaito from Vocaloid!

Silver: *holds recorder* you can do it you two!

Shadow: Never... Ask that question.... To me. Again. *storms off*

Sonic: *in Kaito suit* wow, tough past huh? Well to answer you that question. It's about his past before he was like this.

Silver: Like 61 years ago from today? And 50 from the game.

Sonic: yes. And you all know from what happened, losing Maria on the Ark, his memories being forgotten and being used by many people? That's harsh and he doesn't deserve any of those just because he was a "project".

Silver: Yeah, he's also a living being too. Having a free will.

Sonic: And I have full respect on him, except for the times he shoves my face on the ground and calls me faker. Now what do I look?

Silver: Cute, at least you didn't have to wear a female Vocaloid. Like mine siete.

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