Awesome! And compliments

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I dare Sonic to hug me because Sonic's awesome! ( so are you shads and silv)
I dare Silcer to say the most embarrassing thing he's ever done
I dare a Shadow to give Sonic and Silver 2 complements!

Sonic: Thanks! You're way past cool! *hugs Gracie*

Gracie: *smiles* *giggles* Your welcome!

Sonic: Any time!

Silver: Let me see if I can remember... The embarrassment I did was... *remembers* *blushes*

Shadow: Is?

Silver: Uhh... Um... *continues to blush more*

Sonic: Silv. You gotta say something now.

Silver: Eh... I-it's nothing probably. ^^"

Shadow: Come on Silver.. You're that quiet a genius, you can tell that moment it might not be bad.

Silver: o.O When did Shadow start to complement?

Shadow: It's a dare pothead.

Silver: Fine... It was the moment when... IthoughtAmywasBlazesoIdecidedtohugherthenshewassurpriseditwasmenotSonicandshehammeredmesihardIhadtogocoverbutwhenthewindflewbyitraisedherskirtandIsawherundies!!! O////~////O

Shadow: o.0 Um...

Sonic: 030

Gracie: Wow... Like... Just wow. That was pretty embarrassing.

Silver: >//~//< Exactly!

Shadow: Eh *shrugs* Well faker, you know mostly some times why I hang out with you?

Sonic: Yeah? I noticed.

Shadow: Even though I think of you as my fake. You're not really my fake. You're actually a pretty great guy, not to mention as hero, you do heroic things and sacrifices for everyone.

Sonic: :') Aww... Shadow hat was nice of you to stay. Is that your New Year's Reaolution from now on then?

Shadow: Pfft... No.

Silver: You never change Shadow.

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