Silver: Dun take Ava away from meh!!!

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Btw after Scourge comes out of that dang closet i want to ask what did you do in here and what are your thoughts about Admin

Meanwhile, Silver I need you to be away from Ava for 10 mins don't worry Steel will take care of her

Silver: How can I stay away from her.... If Steel is gonna take care of her?! I can't even trust him!

Steel: Shut yer mouth now, or you don't want your niece to get hurt

Ava: -.-" But Steel.... You're also my uncle and that makes I'm also your niece

Steel: -3-"

Scourge: Am already out... Hmm... Well I only did some teasing tickles and French kissing but she couldn't handle it and she fainted

Sonic: 030 Where is she then?

Scourge: Back home.

Shadow: o.O?

Scourge: I think of her as a sweet innocent girl... Tough at times... En.... Is this finished already?

Sonic: Almost

Scourge: Why are you holding the camera and pointed to me?! Is this a joke?!

Sonic: O_O No! It's part of this questions and dare thing we're doing! How can the viewers and readers see what we react and what we say?!

Scourge: 030 Then....

Sanctum: So we've been in dis camera network world all the time

Steel: 0-0 You stalkers

Silver: -_-" Yeah we're already used to that so

Shadow: And we've been already known world wide. So yeah.

Steel: Ehm... Okay?

Silver: *gives up* I can't do it anymore! I can't hold it being apart from my niece and under he hands of My Freaking ANTI!!!

Steel: Okay O-O

Silver: ITS NO USE!!!

Sonic: *holds him* No Silver! sTAHP!

Silver:  TAKE THIS!!! *goes to Steel*

Steel: 030;; Oh dang gotta go fast! *runs out with Ava*

Ava: D: Hey!

Silver: Come back here! *follows them*

Sonic: -.-" Why does EVERYONE have to steal MY LINE?!

Scourge: Cause.... You're boring

Sonic: ò.ó

Shadow: o.o"

Sonic: No Fuck this I'm done!

Sanctum: o-ô?

Sonic: *stands up* Am so Done *walks out*

Shadow: Okay...

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