Sonic's not in da mood

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I dare you two to watch dead pool a parody of Gaston
I dare Amy rose to be given every wedgie there is from all 3 of you (if shadow is there if he is not bring him there)
I dare sonic to spy on cream's date with Bowser Jr
I dare silver and sonic to watch snow miser heat miser song then sing it afterwards
I dare you two to watch let it flow a date wars parody of let it go then song it

Sonic: *stares at iPad for a bit* . . . . .

Silver: *sips on juice* Why so silent Iblis?

Sonic: (-_-)

Silver: (owo;) N-never mind...

Sonic: Well. This guy really have the nerve to dare as a lot in this part now.

Silver: We've been dating for almost, months now so be used to it.

Sonic: It's just so many.

Silver: Let me see. *snatches iPad* *looks at it* . . . . . Okay.

Sonic: So first dare, watch that Gaston dead pool thingy.

Silver: Deadpool's funny.

Sonic: *searches in laptop* Aha! Now there it is.

###After watching###

Silver: *rolling on the floor laughing*

Sonic: Eh... (^^")

Silver: I j-just can't...

Sonic: So next dare is... Oh no not in chaos why?!

Silver: W-what? We're gonna give Amy a wedgie?!

Sonic: This is so bad. She'll definitely kill me.

Silver: But if you apologize.

Sonic: Hey you're doing it too!

Silver: (T^T)

Amy: Why am I here? Huh, Sonic. *huffs* *crosses arms*

Sonic: *lowers ears* I just can't seem to do it. Amy's a great friend!

Silver: She's done so many nice things to meh!

Amy: Why do you two suddenly act like whinies.

Sonic: Sorry man, we can't just seem to do it. It'll hurt her.

Chip: And a thousand fans began to cheer or crying.

Sonic: . . . . .

Chip: What?

Silver: It's ungentlemen like! It's like I have Blaze a wedgie and it hurts.

Sonic: Hehe, never mind Amy.

Amy: *leaves*

Sonic: And she's still upset about the wedding. *sigh*

Silver: So Cream the Rabbit have a date?!

Sonic: Guess I'll be stalking...

###Few minutes###

Sonic: I'm so done right now. Cream suddenly started crying because she doesn't know who Bowser Jr. is and Bowser Jr. looked confused and gave me a death glare.

Silver: Sheesh.

Sonic: Wth is snow miser heat miser.

Silver: I have no idea

Sonic: There it is... F*ck you internet you're too slow!

Silver: What's wrong.

Sonic: Well, the Internet doesn't respond and don't like me to watch this. Thus we didn't do another dare.

Silver: So proud.

Sonic: I hear a hint of sarcasm there Silver.

Silver: It's true.

###A few minutes of bickering with each other###

Silver: Well people. Me and Sonic over there

Sonic: *huffs*

Silver: Had slight of misunderstandings and so... He doesn't have the mood for anything.

Chip: Chocolate?

Sonic: *gets chocolate* *eats chocolate*

Silver: *whispers at camera* It's weird though. Sonic's acting a bit like Shadow. Or is it just me or Sonic is Shadow.

A/n: Your damn theories is getting in your head Silver.

Silver: (-3-)

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