Three Kisses

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Question for all of you: can I kiss your cheeks because you guys are awesome!

Silver: Aww... ^///^ Sure!

Shadow: -_-" Sure I guess.

Sonic: This will be awkward for one bit.

Silver: Sonic, could you just have one moment of not being awkward your gender bender self?

Sonic: What? I ain't anything... Never mind.

F.Sonic: Alright! *goes kiss Silver's cheeks*

Silver: Yay! ^^

F.Sonic: *smiles* *goes to Shadow and kisses his too*

Shadow: *just have his arms crossed* -///- *smiles*

Sonic: *rolls eyes*

F.Sonic: *smirks and comes near* *pulls him to her and kisses his cheek*

Sonic: 030!!! 0///0 S***

F.Sonic: You three are awesome! Thanks!

Shadow: *looks at Sonic* Think of that awkward faker?

Sonic: I'm speechless for a moment *faints*

Silver: Oops.

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