Xiaolin fights n' reactions

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I dare sonic and silver to fight in a xiaolin showdown
I dare sonic and silver to react to Brian hull
I dare sonic and silver to watch after ever after and after ever after 2
I dare silver to fight mew
I dare sonic and silver to react to crosover ships
(A/n: We can't do all of the dares here)

Sonic: I know what kind of fight we'll do!

Silver: What then?

Sonic: Let's do the fighting from that cartoon show, "Xiaolin Chronicles"

Silver: You mean... That minks show you and Tails are watching?

Sonic: Yes.

Silver: Okay! (;3)

Sonic: Now we need a precious thing.

*M&M's and Skittles on the ground*

Sonic: *looks at Silver* *smirks*

Silver: *narrows eyes* *frowns*

Both: *charges at treats*

Chip: *watches them* *eats popcorn*

Both: *touches them*

Sonic: Silver! I challenge you to a Xiaolin Showdown! I waver Caliburn! *shows Caliburn out of nowhere*

Caliburn: What the-?! You foolish Knave what are you doing! I'm not a sword for Xiaolin combats as such!

Silver: I waver Sir Galahad's sacred sword!

Sonic & Caliburn: Where'd you get that?

Silver: Eh just in case we have something like this, I travelled back to the past and borrowed the knight lookalike of me his sword.

Sonic: And?

Silver: You just wavered Caliburn out of nowhere.

Sonic: Fair point. Let's begin!

Both: Xiaolin Showdown! Gonghi Tempai!

*setting turns to 3D like figures... JUST IMAGINE THEM TO BE IN CAMELOT BUT FOREST XDDDD*

Sonic: The treats are up there.

Silver: Hmm... *jumps up*

Sonic: Hey! *follows*

Silver: *clash sword*

Sonic: *fights too* *kicks*

###Time Skip by the Lazy ass author who don't want to bore readers with Sanic and Pothead's fighting###

Sonic: I got the treats! I got the treats!

Silver: No fair!

Sonic: I played fair and square Silver.

Silver: *crosses arms*

Sonic: Besides, *gives him the Skittles* I don't eat much Skittles.

Silver: Wha?

Sonic: Want it or—

Silver: I want! *gets Skittles* *eats Skittles* My baby.

Sonic: *eats M&M's* Ya go Chip. *gives some*

Chip: Yum!

Sonic: Due to laziness and slow response from our internet connection,

Silver: Brought to you by PLDT (:D)

Sonic: (-.-) As I was saying, we'll just react to "crossover ships" which sailed the seven seas for years and years.

Silver: Let's see... *types on laptop* Sonic Characters x MLP?

Sonic: *breaksdown inside* What?!

Silver: (0-0) Umm... Okay, *shivers* I forbidden those pegasisters and bronies to see what our reaction shall be.

Knuckles: Ponies!!!

Sonic: (-3-) I'm... Not much a FAN on shipping.

Silver: Well, I kinda will laugh at you Sonic for having a baby with Rainbow Da—

Sonic: *attacks him* NUUUUU!!!

Silver: (O_O;)

Chip: Friendship is... Magic! I mean Harmony!

Sonic: *faints*

Silver: (>_>;) Next up is... With Anime Crossovers.

Sonic: *gets back up* Let me see... *sees Hatsune Miku w/ him pic* (°^°)

Silver: *coughs* A-anyways... *sees Shadow w/ Kill la Kill pic* (°-°;;)

Chip: *sees Silver w/ Sailor moon pic* (ToT)


A/n: You guys don't support the art of Anime!

Silver: Well you're an Otaku?

A/n: Why yes dear Silver. And how do you know such words like Pegasisters and Otakus?

Silver: Uhh... Resources?

Sonic: I thought your future doesn't have any of those!

Silver: I search in the present dammit!

A/n & Chip: (>->;;), (>~>;;;)

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