Story tellingg

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Hey Chip! I wanna ask you and Sonic a question, What were your adventures together? (Idk see much of the game :P)

Chip: Sonic, are you in the mood of story telling?

Sonic: *uncross arms* I still do. What do you want me to tell?

Chip: Someone wants to know our adventures throughout Sonic Unleashed.

Sonic: Hmm... This personality didn't really reached my inner personality so it's a good thing. Sure we'll tell.

Chip: We're starting off on how we met.

Sonic: We will be saying this briefly and no repetition on such. And because you like me to tell, I can now say that... *flicks quills* I'm the Coolest~ But I'm warning you I'll be a bit narcissistic and mean at some times.

Chip: Well, further from Eggman breaking the world into seven pieces, making Sonic a Werehog and making the Chaos emeralds not powerful, we met when he fell down on Apotos and met me!

Sonic: Who had amnesia and obsessed with chocolate.

Chip: Sonic!

Sonic: I just warned you, *cross arms* continuing on, we went roaming around the world, fighting off the doctor and his scrap of metal, getting the chaos emeralds powers back and facing Dark Gaia's monsters. And the doctor wouldn't stop fighting me.

Chip: (@-@) I'm not yet use to you saying "the doctor" all the time.

Sonic: Then, after a while, one of the temples of Gaia sent Chip back his memory saying he was Light Gaia. Then we came off to talk about it, saying he is the protector, Dark Gaia the destroyer, but he saves the planet and they were asleep in the core of millions of years and so.

Chip: Then we came to the last which is on top of Eggman Land, which is by the way very CRAZY, and restored the last of the emeralds. Then faced Dr. Eggman in his machine and we beat him then Dark Gaia was complete when we thought it hasn't.

Sonic: And so on to defeating... Motivational words and blah, blah, blah.

Chip: Sonic! You were mean!

Sonic: Sorry, sorry okay! *shakes head* Ugh, Shadow's "I don't care" attitude is giving me a headache somehow. I'll try to make myself 'nicer'.

Chip: (-3-) You're too exaggerating.

Sonic: Your welcome. So then, we forgot to mention about Dr. Pickle trapped by Dr. Eggman and we got him out and he told us about the Gaia Manuscripts. The world then plunge to darkness because a Dark Gaia became scary looking like and the Chaos Emeralds go to me and turned me Super Sonic then after several attacks we beat Dark Gaia and tada, we saved the world.

Chip: I threw Sonic up outside the core when the world got back together, me and Dark Gaia back in the core.

Sonic: And Chip left me his necklace thingy on the ground, threw me departing words before going away.

Chip: You also forgot to mention about Amy bumping into you and didn't know you were you because you're in your Werehog form and you were a bit upset about that.

Sonic: *blushes* I-I was?!

Chip: Pretty sure you didn't like toe at my chocolates.

Sonic: (-3-)

Silver: What did I miss?

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