The 'Gesture Contest'

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Guess who made a long vacation of not answering and doing asks and dares for a whole month? Well then Inknow you missed this and we're to the bit of ending this book so hurry up and comment while you can :) of course they are still alive! Who am I kidding?
Also I forgot only the last, last chapter Shadow and Silver are girls ôuô

i dare sonic to wear a tutu dress and dance like a ballerina ( while i record it and send it to everyone ) but if you don't do your dare i'll let shadow make out with you in 1 hour *laughs evilly*

ps. can i get a hug with silver and chip

Whoa, Spikey Ball, give it to me also I have a dare for Sonic and urm.....Shadow, I dare them to do the cinnamon challanage, and you have to Swallow, Wait hold on, you can't spit it doesn't sound better.... Well that's all

Sonic: -__- You have GOT to be kidding me

Shadow: I'm a boy again! My dignity is back! Muah! don't have to wear the tutu because I consider you to be naked when we make out~

Sonic: *immediately goes to wear tutu*

Silver: I'm gonna comment something but I can't think of any

Sonic: *returns wearing tutu* -///-

Silver: Now I thought of something! :D

Silver: That was fast

Sonic: Really you just come up with that?

Silver: Hey it's not easy being assigned to be the one who will always comment our every move ;-;

Angel: Now put up your most embarrassing dance number because I am gonna post it on MobianTube! (Bear with me ppl)

Sonic: N...

Angel: 1 hour make out with Shadow even with a tutu on!

Sonic: Nah alright I'll do it! *gets in position* *starts doing ballet*

Rachel: *wolf whistles* Imma get up Swan Lake then *plays Swan Lake*

Silver: 0///3///0 Is it bad that I like the way he dances?

Shadow: *hisses* Move aside pothead, he's mine

Fleetway: Silver is G-A-Y

Silver: ;3; I just said that I like the way he dances...and it's bad for me

Shadow: *holds knife*

Eclipse: Oi Shadow no killing spree remember? On second second thought I guess you could go on a killing spree >:)

Shadow: Hmph *hides it*

Sonic: *sways to the music*

Shadow & Silver: *eyes him like a snake*

Shard: Is it me or are their eyes becoming like a snake?

Silver: Okay I don't want to be gay anymore (no offense to those gay friends of mine XD)

Angel: Can I hug you?

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