Silver's crud

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Darkness_exe: Thanks bro.

Silver- here is your problem since you watched slenderman. I work for him as his personal watcher. And guess what. I make about $120,000 a month. Another dare. I dare you to go to your EXE self and have a nice conversation for five hours. Nothing is included except you HAVE to talk to him. He misses you.

Shadow- Is it true that you've become a brony and there are at least 100,000 of you and Pinkie pie cuddling?

Shadow: What the-?! Where did you get that idea man?!

Sonic: Welcome bro. And Shadow here cannot move on and be serious for once because of your *chuckles* Pinkie pie shipping of him

Silver: So I have to go to Me.exe house and talk to him for five hours?

Sonic: He misses you dude.

Silver: *sigh* Fine. But don't think of this as anything else, not even a me x me.exe shipping. Just a friendly talk and wanting some company.

Sonic: Aww... He cares :'3

Silver: Toodles! *flies out*

Shadow: GAH!!! *runs around the room* *crashes to da 4th wall*

4th wall: Ah! xP *breaks*

Sonic: Shadow! You broke the 4th wall!

Shadow: *faints*

Sonic: *shakes head* *sighs*

At le Silver. Exe's house~

Silver: *knocks on door*

Sil.EXE: *opens it* Who's... Silver?

Silver: Hey there! ^^ I heard you were lonely when I left you. So I came here for some talks with you!

Sil.EXE: R-really?

Silver: *whispers* of course not you d******. *not whispering* I m-mean... Yeah! I came here to see you!

Sil.EXE: *looks at him suspiciously*

Silver: -3-" Please stop staring at me with those bloody eyes. I'm gonna puke my lunch. I just had it a while ago.

Sil.EXE: Sure come in! ^^

Silver: So what do you for granted?

Sil.EXE: Oh you know, hunt down some animals, eat their guts and flesh even humans too.

Silver: o-O Okay...? How about looking over the scenery?

Sil.EXE: Yeah when I'm all stressed out. I used to walk to the window and look out to the sunset or night or even sunrise. I can't sleep though

Silver: *whispers* of course cause you're a god. *not whispering* I mean. You have to think too things though.

Sil.EXE: Yeah I think so too.

After da five hours~

Silver: *goes out of house* Thanks for having a chat with you and hope to see you in the future! *waves*

Sil.EXE: *waves too* See you too! *whispers to him* I know what you have been secretly saying to me ye b******.

Silver: 0-0!!!

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