Amy: Why did I got involve?

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I don't think I should ask this but, Amy if you ever had to choose between Shadow,.Silver, or me..... Who would it be?

Amy: Wait... When did I got involve?

Sonic: Um... Dunno. Because of the kissing dares now it's a five hedgehog

Silver: Why five hedgehogs?

Manic: I'm here bros

Shadow: -_-"

Amy: Well not making this too obvious, since I like Sonic that much... The ones closest to him might be. I dunno if it would be Shadow, since, I could be color blinded a bit and think of him as Sonnikku.

Shadow: -3-" Thanks a lot

Amy: And Silver, I just met him at one time and he seem pretty nice. But he tried to kill Sonic in some way

Silver: ^   ,^ Forgive me dear Amy

Amy: And Darkness.exe or Max Dark.... Is that your name? Well you mostly look awful a lot like Sonic. Eyes like Sonic's too. Because you're his sibling.

Sonic: *checks iPad* Go on Ames

Shadow & Silver: *stares at him*

Sonic: I-I mean Amy... -~-

Amy: Well I choose.... Uh, is Manic optional?

Manic: 0-0 Nope!

Amy: *sigh* Fine I choose Dark for some reason. You just said choose right?

Sonic: Yup. That wouldn't mean anything.

Shadow: 0   ,0

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