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That was hilarious! Anyway, Since i wanna make another dare,
I want all of you guys to take care of Ava after 5 dares and asks >:3 but Hazen and Tess have to be in it since well it's pretty obvious

Oh btw, Sonic and Shadow how was the kiss? XD

Sonic: Well thanks for asking Ms. Obvious *sarcasm*

Shadow: It was horrible. The taste of chili dog is still on my mouth!

Sonic: Hey I was just eating Lays at that time!

Shadow: Hmph *crosses arms* So we're babysitting again?

Tess: Yah

Silver: Tess! And look it's baby Ava!

Ava: Aba! :3

Silver: *hugs them* Oh I have so many relatives! *sees Hazen*


Silver: What's HE doing here?! *points to Hazen*

Tess: Hey he's my husband and the father of the child you're hugging. At least give him some welcoming.

Hazen: *smirks* Heh

Silver: *narrows eyes* I don't like him here.

Sonic: Come on Silver *puts arm around Hazen* Might as well get to know him better since he's in Triple Threat and all. We also knew Rob 'O the Hedgehog right?

Shadow: That guy from the Medieval timesaver? I like Hazen better. He's quiet.

Silver: Not you too!

Tess: *facepalms* guys you should all get along. Silver as your sister, please.

Silver: -n- Fine, just this five asks and dares.

Ava: :/? *In mind: I didn't think this would be the outcome*

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