What you lose is what you get

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I'm gonna keep on daring until the last chapter
Now I dare you three to have an eating contest until one of you throw up! Oh and the food should be disgusting, your welcome.

Yo! *pops up and smiled* remember me? *tilted head* if so *giggles* i dare you three to do a traditional dark clan summit *flops to side* ....meh to lazy to stand XD and a traditional dark clan summit is a race! So have fun racing each other !

Host: And the random (disgusting) food will be revealed as... *removes that thing covering the platter, idk what's that called*

Host: A sluuuuggg soup! Don't worry folks, the three contestants can't see this because they are ear muffed and they cannot see this because they were blindfolded. So our little game for today is... A blind eating contest!

Audience: *claps*

Host: And here comes our three contestants! Sonic the hedgehog, Shadow the hedgehog and Silver the hedgehog! Geez are they brothers?

Three hedgies: *comes in* (don't worry, they have guiders who help them go around the room and their earmuffs are removed, those are only needed for not hearing the food but the blindfolds are still on)

Host: Take your seats, gentlemen

Them: *does it*

Host: Infront of you is the platter of food you will be eating which you will guess what it is and on your right is a spoon, only a spoon. I know you already know what kind of food you'll be eating

Silver: Soup?

Host: You guessed it! Now rules are, finish the food as fast as you can and...don't throw up of loser takes the consequences. Now eat!

Sonic: *starts shoving food*

Shadow: *calmly eats it*

Silver: *eats it uhh...similar to Sonic*

Sonic: I-it's slimy and...*tries not to gag* it tastes...*turns green*

Silver: W-what is this?

Host: You should guess this

Sonic: I don't think...

Shadow: Losing faker?

Sonic: N-no! And how come you don't sound like you're barfing?

Shadow: I don't have taste buds...I don't taste anything, it's plain plain...but my stomach feels lurky and slimy though...

Silver: Everything's spinning...*tries not to gag*

Sonic: E-eh...it tastes like it have slugs...

Host: You got a clue right there. For the contest to finish, one of you have to guess what it is and he'll be the winner!

Silver: Shadow could've won this, but too bad he can't taste anything besides dark chocolate

Shadow: The food feels like it have a squid tentacle in it

Sonic: Hiw can you guess it's a squid when you don't know what squid tastes like! And this isn't squid!

Silver: Soup...and have slug... I-it's--! *faints*

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